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    Title: 高中職餐旅群學生國際教育指標建構之研究:層級分析法之應用
    A Research on the Indicators Construction for International Education of Students of Tourism and Restaurant Department in High and Vocational Schools: An Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process
    Authors: 賴怡年
    Lai, Yi-Nien
    Contributors: 張奕華
    Chang, I-Hua
    Lai, Yi-Nien
    Keywords: 高中職
    High and vocational schools
    Tourism and restaurant department
    International education
    Analytic hierarchy process(AHP)
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-03-07 10:15:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 1980年代開始臺灣開始推動發展觀光餐旅事業,不僅在高中職設有餐旅科,大專院校也設有專門的餐旅學校。餐旅業可以說是最國際化的一門事業,因為接待的客人來自四面八方,而臺灣的餐旅教育大多基於本國餐旅人才所需,針對我國高中職餐旅群所進行的國際教育研究可說是鳳毛麟角。有鑑於此,本研究的主要目的在建立高中職餐旅群國際教育指標,以作為教育行政機關推動國際教育的參考。
    本研究建構之高中職餐旅群國際教育指標及權重體系包括 4 個層面、40 項指標。4 個層面依其重要性依序為「情意」 (36.9%)、「認知」(29.0%)、「技能」 (18.6%)、「支持系統」(15.6%);最後依據研究結果提出建議,俾供我國行政機關以及後續研究之參考。
    Tourism is always considered as the most international business because tourists come from every corner of the world. From 1980s, tourism becomes an important business in Taiwanese industrial market. More and more departments were established in vocational schools, as well as tourism college in advance education. However, the researches focused on the international education among students in tourism and restaurant department in high and vocational schools are limited. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to construct indicators for international education of students of tourism and restaurant department in high and vocational schools.
    Following the Delphi method, ten experts including scholars’ expert in international education, teachers and educational administrators from tourism related high schools were invited to have two Delphi rounds questionnaire. Based on the determined indicator system and attributes, further surveys were conducted, in conjunction with analytic hierarchy process (AHP), to determine the priority weigh for each indicator.
    There are four criteria and 40 indicators for the indicators for international education of students of tourism and restaurant department in high and vocational schools. In the order of importance, they are (1) Affective (36.9%), (2) Cognitive (29.0%), (3) Psychomotor (18.6%) and (4) Support (15.6%). According to the findings, suggestions were provided to educational administration authorities to provide guidelines for promoting international education in tourism and restaurant department in high and vocational schools.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106171003
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.EAP.001.2019.F02
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