题名: | 數位科技浪潮下台灣媒體代理商 轉型策略之研究 Study on the transformation strategy of Taiwan media agency under the wave of digital technology |
作者: | 李良頤 Lee, Liang-Yi |
贡献者: | 詹文男 李良頤 Lee, Liang-Yi |
关键词: | 媒體代理商 行銷科技 MarTech 數位行銷公司 轉型 產業策略 Media agency Marketing technology MarTech Digital marketing company Business transformation Industrial strategy |
日期: | 2019 |
上传时间: | 2019-03-05 10:49:10 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 媒體代理商的工作職責是提升客戶媒體運用的效率,而媒體代理商在數位科技浪潮下,面臨了閱聽眾媒體使用環境變化、外部同業競爭環境改變,以及客戶端營運方式改變,對於未來轉型策略方向,不能依循過往只有”媒體代理”業務,但應該往哪裏去,為本研究探討轉型的策略面向之目的。 本研究以單一個案分析單位,包括研究個案中的子單位,以個案研究法進行質性研究(Qualitative Research),並針對某一現象透過觀察、訪談或調查業界專業人士等多種方式,將資料蒐集完整,以作深入詳實的描述、分析與詮釋。 從本研究過程中發現,個案公司的資源發展,符合資源基礎理論的二項假設。從實務證明企業在轉型策略發展過程中,的確可以找到永續性的差異化競爭資源,再利用企業資源能力的策略,辦識資源缺口,平衡新的與既有的資源,再發展未來的策略方向。媒體代理商主要策略資源為能力資源,創造差異化價值活動,並有能力整合垂直與水平差異化價值活動,成為難以被其他競爭者模仿的永續經營資源。對於台灣地區媒體代理商的轉型策略為:評估數位技術資源能力,並定調經營策略;增加數位技術資源協同運作能力的功能性組織重整或重組,以及成為品牌廣告客戶整合行銷專業顧問夥伴。 由於數位科技的影響,目前都在進行式,加上科技日新月異,以及隨時顛覆的破壞式創新策略,較難以用學術理論解釋商業經營行為。也許未來在企業數據收集及經驗值累積成熟後,足以對過去企業管理及產業競爭相關理論,更清楚以量化方式驗證探討。 The core responsibility of media agency is to improve the efficiency of media investment. Under the digital technology wave, media agency is faced the changes of media and audience environment, external competitive environment, and the ways of clients’ business operation. Couldn`t rely on the past "media agency" business, but where to go, it’s the purpose to explore the strategy of transformation oriented. In this study, a single case analysis unit, including sub-units in the study case, conducted a qualitative study (qualitative research) with a case study method, and collected the data in a variety of ways, such as observing, interviewing or investigating industry professionals, in order to provide an in-depth and detailed description, Analysis and interpretation. Found from this study, cases of corporate resources development, in line with two hypotheses assumption of Resource-Based Theory. From a practical proof of enterprise transformation strategy in the development process, can indeed find the resiliency of competitive differentiation resources, then develop the strategy of enterprise resource capacity, identify resource gap, balance both new and existing resources, and further development strategy for the future direction. The media agent mainly strategic resources is capacity resources and create differentiated value activities, and integrate vertically and horizontally differentiated value activities, become difficult to be imitated by other competitors because of sustainable operating resources. The transformation strategy for media agents in Taiwan is: assessment of digital technology resources, capabilities, and set the tone for business strategy; to increase the functional organization of digital technology resources to work together, reconstruction or reorganization of co-operational capacity of technical resources, as well as a brand advertiser integrated marketing professional consultancy partners. As a result of the impact of digital technology, is currently on going, coupled with the rapid evolution of technology, as well as disruptive innovation strategies at any time, it is more difficult to use academic theory to explain business practices. Perhaps in the future, after the accumulation of enterprise data collection and experience value, enough to the past enterprise management and industrial competition related theories, more clearly quantitative verification of the discussion. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 105932084 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105932084 |
数据类型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.EMBA.051.2019.F08 |
显示于类别: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文