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Title: | 二次戰後印尼的政治暴力 : 國族建構的困境 Political Violence in Indonesia Since World War II: The Predicaments in Nation-Building |
Authors: | 王蓓潔 Wang, Pei-Jie |
Contributors: | 陳鴻瑜 Chen, Hurng-Yu 王蓓潔 Wang, Pei-Jie |
Keywords: | 班察西拉 同化政策 爪哇主義 930事件 人口徙置 Pancasila Assimilation policy Javanism September 30 movement Population resettlement |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-03-04 22:37:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 印尼在二戰結束後建國,蘇卡諾與蘇哈托的整合政策,不但與印尼國族建構問題的產生,有著密切的關係,而且也是印尼發生國家政治暴力的根源之一。蘇卡諾或蘇哈托政府從一開始試圖透過「班察西拉」做為建國的意識形態,尋求「異中求同」,企圖利用各種政治、經濟、社會上的手段同化印尼社會,但各種政治勢力,包括種族、宗教、軍隊和政治意識形態等團體卻各自追求各自的國族建構目標,導致政治不穩,政變頻繁,政府經常更換。在政治發展的過程中,其結果並沒有達到預期的目標,政治系統的不平衡與被壓迫者的反撲,反而造成印尼國族建構過程許多的動盪、危機和挑戰。 本論文主要是以「激進伊斯蘭團體」、「共黨份子」、「華人」、「外島族裔」四個面向作為分析被國家霸權施行政治暴力的對象,探討在印尼獨立後這四大社群在國族建構過程中的處境和角色,以及在蘇哈托下台後,開展民主化運動,這四大社群如何在政治民主化下轉型發展,經研究發現,激進伊斯蘭運動和共黨兩個因素尚是印尼國族建構未完成的目標。 The country of Indonesia was established after World War II. The integration policies of Sukarno and Suharto were not only closely linked with the generation of issues regarding the national building of Indonesia, but also one of the sources of the national political violence. In the beginning, the administrations of Sukarno and Suharto attempted to pursue “unity in diversity”(Bhinneka Tunggal Ika) through “Pancasila”, and tried to assimilate the Indonesian society by using all kinds of political, economic, and social measures. However, various political powers, including race groups, religious organizations, military and political groups of different ideology, pursued their own self-righteous goals of national building, leading to political instability, rising of coups, and frequently changing government. During the process of political development, the results did not achieve the expected goals. The un-equilibrium of the political system and the backfire of the oppressed gave rise to turmoil, crisis, and challenges in the process of national building of Indonesia. Based on the analysis of four aspects of “Radical Islamic groups”, “Communists”, “Indonesian Chinese” and “Outer island ethnicity”, this dissertation discourses the objects of political violence by national hegemony, and the situations and role of these four major communities in the process of nation-building since the independence of Indonesia, as well as how to transform in democratic process of post-Suharto. By this research, it finds that Indonesia is still not resolving the problems of radical Islamic movement and the communist factors for their goal of nation-building. |
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五、官方檔案文件 The U.S. Dep. of State, ed. Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), 1964-1968, vol. XXVI ,Indonesia; Malaysia-Singapore; Philippines, Washington, United States Gov. Printing Office, 2001. 國史館檔案,檔名:印尼官方收購華商股權,檔號:172-8 1288,央秘參(48)第0244號,「印尼一作家論印尼華僑問題」。 |
Description: | 博士 國立政治大學 國家發展研究所 942615061 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0942615061 |
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DOI: | 10.6814/DIS.NCCU.GIDS.001.2019.F09 |
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