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    Title: 證券型代幣(STO)之監管研究
    A Study on Regulatory Framework of Security Token Offering
    Authors: 謝依紋
    Hsieh, Yi-Wen
    Contributors: 林國全
    Lin, Kuo-Chuan
    Hsieh, Yi-Wen
    Keywords: 首次代幣發行
    Iniital coin offering
    Virtual currency
    Initial public offerings
    Securities token offering
    Crowdfunding platform
    Smart contract
    Smart supervision
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-03-04 22:27:10 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來區塊鏈的興起,造就了金融科技的浪潮,金融市場因區塊鏈技術的應用,不斷推陳出新金融商品,又隨著虛擬貨幣的不斷水漲船高,運用區塊鏈與虛擬貨幣開啟籌資大門的首次代幣發行(Initial Coin Offering,簡稱ICO)成為新創事業募集資金的新寵兒。ICO之所以受到新創事業之青睞在於各國監理機關在ICO問市時對於其性質及定性仍未有準繩,而成為金融監管的模糊地帶,新創業者遂一擁而上的透過ICO向大眾募集資金。隨著市場充斥著詐騙及虛擬貨幣炒作之投機風氣,主管機關意識到必須有所作為,而開始向投資者提醒ICO之風險。惟單純的警告似乎不足以扼止投資者投資之意願,ICO市場依舊十分火熱。
    ICO類似於首次公開發行股票 ( Initial Public Offerings,簡稱 IPO )在於其皆係向不特定之投資大眾募集資金,惟取得的係發行公司發行的代幣而非股票,然而其卻未受到主管機關監管,造成監理漏洞,部分監理機關開始表態,屬於證券性質之ICO應受該國證券法規之監管,此種應受證券法規管制下發行的代幣即稱為證券型代幣(Securities Token Offering,簡稱 STO)。惟ICO商品的特性與IPO不同,且其複雜不易瞭解,實難與傳統證券相比擬,傳統證券法規恐無法一體適用在STO上。是以,如何量身訂作此種特殊型態的金融工具正考驗著主管機關的智慧。
    In recent years, the rise of the blockchain has created a wave of financial technology. With the blockchain technology, new financial products have continuously introduced to the financial market. As the price of virtual currency increase, initial Coin Offering (ICO) has become the new fundraising method. The reason why ICO is favored by new ventures is that the supervisory had no guidelines ICO when it came to the market. New entrepreneurs are rushing to raise funds through the ICO to the public. As the market is full of frauds and speculation, the authorities started to aware that they need to do more. The authorities alerted investors the risks of ICO. However, the warning seemed to be insufficient to stop investors` willingness to invest. The ICO market is still very hot.
    ICO is similar to Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) in raising funds from public. The different is that investors get tokens instead of stocks in ICO. However, ICO is not regulated that cause supervision loopholes. Some supervision announced that ICO has securities nature should be regulated under the country`s securities regulations. Such token issued under the securities laws is called Securities Token Offering (STO). However, the characteristics of ICO are different from IPO, and ICO is complexity and difficult to understand. Traditional securities regulations may not be suitable for STO. Therefore, how to regulate this type of financial instrument is testing the wisdom of the authority.
    ICO lack transparency, evaluation difficulty, high price volatility and easily manipulation. Its supervision intensity should be higher than traditional IPO. The infrastructure of ICO is blockchain, which is unmodifiable, transactional synchronization and distributed trust. Blockchain used as a financial field, can reduce costs and provide innovative products. It should not be excessively banned to use it. Therefore, suggesting differentiated management allows the issuing company to use the blockchain. Technology issues securities-type tokens, while new entrepreneurs, because of their company`s value-added stage, have higher risk attributes, raise funds on the current crowdfunding platform, and impose appropriate restrictions on investor attributes to protect investor rights and maintain finance.
    In terms of information disclosure, additional requirements, including smart contract, basic technology, token price, acceptable token type, risks, accounting treatments and evaluations are necessary. If the listed company issuing the STO, it should disclose the possible impact on the token issue and influence on the company`s shareholders. As for the reporting requirements on STO, are similar to the current IPO, annual reports, quarterly reports and interim reports in the event of special circumstances are needed. Moreover, audit reports on smart contracts and applications related to STO are suggested.
    Finally, using of blockchain technology can simplize the transaction and settlement process of securities. The authorities should actively consider how to use the technology of blockchain to reshape the role of market participants and achieve smart supervision. The blockchain brings a challenge to the supervision, but it also provides an opportunity. Authorities should be optimistic to build a digital financial market in the future.
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    10. 區塊客,新加坡證交所、金管局攜手將利用區塊鏈加速證券交割結算,2018年8月25日,網址: https://blockcast.it/2018/08/25/singapore-stock-exchange-taps-blockchain-for-faster-settlement/。
    11. 黃有容,中時電子報,虛擬貨幣交易平台處境難 僅1家交易帳戶在台灣,2018年5月29日,網址: https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20180529004460-260410。
    12. 經濟日報,涉有價證券的ICO 金管會要管了,2018年10月22日,https://money.udn.com/money/story/5648/3435380?from=popinpc2。
    13. 關春修、張純怡,工商時報,安侯建業專欄-迎接代幣經濟新時代泰國頒布數位資產法案,2018年06月27日,網址: https://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20180627000350-260205。
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105961037
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.LLME.003.2019.F10
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