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Title: | 競爭法的數位紀元-論數位平台資訊力對競爭法適用之影響 The digital epoch of competition law—discussion on the influence of digital platform information power on the application of competition law |
Authors: | 邱映曦 Chiu, Ying-Hsi |
Contributors: | 吳秀明 邱映曦 Chiu, Ying-Hsi |
Keywords: | 數位平台 網路平台 大數據 平台經濟 雙邊市場 多邊市場 資訊力 資料競爭 演算法 人工智慧 競爭法 公平交易法 競爭政策 隱私保護 歐盟一般資料保護規則 Digital platform Online platform Big data Platform economy Two-sided market Multi-sided market Information power Data competition Algorithm Artificial intelligence(AI) Competition law Fair Trade Act Competition policy Privacy protection GDPR |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-03-04 22:02:12 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在大數據發展環境下,數位平台基於其資訊匯集地位,以及強大的演算法運用及資料分析能力,壯大與鞏固其在市場競爭的優勢及地位。資訊力伴隨數位平台的市場特性,使得牽涉資料驅動的數位平台競爭個案於競爭法的適用上產生相當的疑問,也引發國際組織及部分國家對於數位平台資訊力引發的競爭法制議題展開探討,藉由個案的累積開始逐步進行法制政策面因應的評估,其中並以歐盟相關案例的發展最為成熟。
本論文於第一章針對本研究相關背景資訊進行初步介紹後,於第二章針對數位平台的定義及特性進行精簡的說明。第三章開始正式進入資訊力的探討,針對平台資訊力的定義以及其對市場競爭之影響加以分析。第四章則先探討資料驅動之數位平台在市場界定之問題及可採用的方式,再以歐盟對於Google濫用市場支配地位之系列執法為導引,進行執法與法規調適的討論。第五章則以歐盟精選數位平台結合案例為核心,搭配德國限制競爭防止法對數位平台議題的修法及日本、新加坡法制政策面的整理,提出資料驅動數位平台結合於法制規範及執法上應關注之重點。其中並包括隱私/資料保護議題與競爭法執法之關聯及納入審查之必要性的討論。第六章就數位平台運用演算法對市場競爭之影響,及其衍生之勾結行為與執法困境加以探究,搭配德國、日本以及經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD)就相關法制方向的研議,進行法制政策因應方向的探討。 In the development environment of big data, digital platforms strengthen their competitive advantages and consolidate their market positions on the basis of their roles in information gathering and capability of algorithm implementation and data analysis. The interplay between the market characteristics and information power of digital platforms has caused considerable doubts about the application of competition law to cases relating to data-driven digital platforms. It has also led several international organizations and some countries to discuss and look into competition law issues caused by platform information power. Through the accumulation of cases, the assessments of competition law and policy are gradually carried out by competent authorities of these international organizations and countries, among which cases launched by the European Union (EU) are the most developed at this time.
The direction and concept of development of legal policy for the competition issues relating to digital platform information power has not specified yet in the domestic fair-trade legal system. Therefore, this thesis attempts to investigate and deliberate the leading competition cases of data-driven digital platforms in the EU during recent years, and simultaneously to explore and analyze the current main developments of international legal policy. These issues are discussed separately regarding the fundamental types of restrictive competition, including monopolistic position, merger and concerted action, in particular to consider the direction and emphasis of the competition law and policy for data-driven digital platforms.
After introducing the background of the research, this thesis briefly explains the definition and market characteristics of digital platforms in Chapter 2 and discusses the relationship between information power and digital platform competition in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 explores the problem of market definition of data-driven digital platforms and then looks into the EU’s cases against Google’s abuse of market dominance as a basis for a further discussion on law enforcement and regulatory adjustments. Chapter 5 studies the selected EU’s digital platform merger cases, in combination with the legislative development of German competition law and official competition policy researches in Japan and Singapore, to indicate the key points that should be paid attention to in the legal system and law enforcement. It also includes a short discussion about the connection between privacy/data protection issues and competition law enforcement. Chapter 6 examines issues relating to the implementation of algorithms in digital platforms, especially the problem of tacit collusion and the dilemma of law enforcement. It then provides an overview of the relevant legal policy researches in Germany and Japan as well as by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) over the impact of algorithms used by digital platforms. Finally, the overall research is concluded in Chapter 7. |
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Description: | 博士 國立政治大學 法律學系 98651506 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098651506 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/DIS.NCCU.LAW.001.2019.F10 |
Appears in Collections: | [法律學系] 學位論文
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