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    Title: 以整合性科技接受模型探討行動支付之使用意願
    Exploring the Usage Intention of Mobile Payment Utilizing an Integrated Technology Acceptance Model
    Authors: 張勝發
    Zhang, Sheng-Fa
    Contributors: 許志義
    Zhang, Sheng-Fa
    Keywords: 行動支付
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2019-02-12 15:53:10 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著2017年3月Apple Pay進入台灣後,台灣的行動支付生態快速發展。由於行動支付具有便利、有效率且提供消費者有別於傳統支付方式之體驗。故本研究以行動支付之使用者與潛在使用者為研究對象,主要目的在於了解此二者對於使用行動支付的意願與認知狀況。本研究藉由整合性科技接受模型探討行動支付的使用意願,並加以分析問卷資料,提出本研究之結論。本研究此次調查所得之樣本為365份,其中有效樣本為358份;藉由科技接受模型整合創新擴散理論,提出本研究之假說並運用結構方程式加以驗證。另在問卷的敘述性統計中,觀察本次問卷調查之行動支付平台曾經被受訪者使用(可複選)之比率為:Line Pay 61.2%,Apple Pay33.5%,街口支付59.8%。
    With the introduction of Apple Pay in Taiwan in March 2017, the mobile payment ecosystem in Taiwan has developed rapidly. Since mobile payment is convenient, efficient and provides consumers with a different experience from traditional payment methods. Therefore, this study takes the users and potential users of mobile payment as the research objects. The main purpose of this study is to understand their willingness and cognitive status to use mobile payment. The purpose of this study is to explore the use intention of mobile payment by means of the Integrated Technology Acceptance Model, and to analyze the questionnaire data and put forward the conclusions of this study. The sample of this study was 365, of which 358 were effective sample. By integrating Innovation Diffusion Theory with Technology Acceptance Model, the hypothesis of this study was proposed and verified by structural equation.
    The results show that "Perceived Usefulness" and "Attitude of Usage" have positive and direct effects on “Intention of Usage”. However, "Perceived Ease of Usage", "Cost Tolerance", "Visibility" and "Perceived Convenience" have positive and indirect effects on the “Willingness to Usage”. In the end, some suggestions on the promotion of mobile payment are proposed.
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    IDC Financial Insights` 2014 Consumer Payments Survey

    LINE 宣佈全面擴大在台投資 三大面向看LINE 2018發展策略
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105258024
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.ECONO.004.2019.F06
    Appears in Collections:[經濟學系] 學位論文

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