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Title: | 物聯網時代的社會交易媒介轉型:移動支付對ATM影響的空間分析 Transformation of Exchange Medium in the IOT Era:The Impacts of Mobile Payment on ATM Survivorship |
Authors: | 林秋雲 Lin, Qiu-Yun |
Contributors: | 陳信木 Chen, Hsin-Mu 林秋雲 Lin, Qiu-Yun |
Keywords: | 移動支付 現金支付 ATM 外賣 Mobile payment Cash payment ATM Takeaway |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-02-12 15:52:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以南京市為例,分析中國大陸移動支付的發展情況,從而進一步探究移動支付的未來發展趨勢及其對現有支付體系造成的影響。 本文首先運用制度論視角分析移動支付在中國大陸建立影響的過程及其未來發展路徑,探究中國大陸移動支付與其他國家完全不同的發展路徑及其原因。在此基礎上運用ATM設備和外賣商家的坐標數據作為支撐,一方面分析現金支付的基礎設施在城市空間上的分佈及其便捷度情況,從而進一步了解現金支付基礎設施的不完善給移動支付留下的空間;另一方面分析依託外賣作為發展轉折點的移動支付在城市空間的分佈和滲透情況。最後,分析移動支付給現金支付體系帶來的影響,并通過空間數據分析,探究哪些ATM設備受到移動支付的影響最為深刻,更容易出現閒置甚至在城市空間的退出。 研究結論認為中國移動支付制度的發展時機處於銀行體系還未完善時期,在結合了發展的必要條件和促發性事件的基礎上突破銀行體系的發展路徑并不斷進行路徑強化。以二線發達城市南京市為例,可以發現銀行體系在ATM上的發展不足,從而給移動支付留下發展空間。而移動支付利用其突破物理空間限制的特性,借助外賣建立龐大的滲透規模。最後,本研究認為,位於城市人流和商業化熱點地區的商業銀行的ATM最可能在移動支付的衝擊下出現閒置和退出市場的情況。 This study takes Nanjing as an example to analyze the development of mobile payment in mainland China. Meanwhile, explore the development tendency and its impacts on the existing payment system. Firstly, this paper applies the perspective of institutional theory to analyze the establishment process of mobile payment and the future development path as well as explore the distinct development approach in mobile and the inherent reasons. Secondly, the coordinates of ATM devices and takeaway vendors are used as supports, on the one hand, the spatial distribution and convenience levels of cash payment infrastructure are analyzed, so as to further understand the immaturity of cash payment service which becomes opportunities for the development of mobile payment system; on the other hand, the spatial distribution and penetration of mobile payment which regards take-away business as its crucial landmark are also analyzed. Finally, this paper assesses the influence of mobile payment system and explores which ATM devices in urban space will face the most profound impacts of mobile payment, thus result in idleness or even retreat. The conclusion is that the emergence of China mobile payment system is at the period when the bank system is inconvenient and imperfect. Combining the development prerequisites and triggering events, mobile payment system breaks through the regular development path and keep self-reinforce continually. Taking Nanjing as an instance, it is easy to found the underdevelopment of ATM devices has left room for mobile payment. While mobile payment, which breaks the limitation of physical space, has formulated a large scale of penetration with the aid of the takeaway business. Finally, this study incline to believe commercial banks’ ATMs which locate in urban crowds and commercial hotspots are most likely to be idle and retreat from the market under the challenge of mobile payment. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會學系 105254023 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105254023 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.001.2019.F04 |
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