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    Title: 論能源安全措施是否可透過WTO協定國家安全例外條款正當化
    On the Legitimacy of Relying on the National Security Exception Clauses in the WTO Agreements to Justify Energy Security Measures
    Authors: 郝晏緯
    Hao, Yen-Wei
    Contributors: 施文真
    Shih, Wen-Chen
    Hao, Yen-Wei
    Keywords: 能源安全
    Energy security
    Energy security measures
    the WTO’s national security exception clauses
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2019-02-12 15:40:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 各國往往須透過政府管制或國營事業介入市場之方式,保障其能源安全。然能源安全措施之實施可能因限制能源產品或能源服務之自由貿易,而涉及WTO之法律原則。由於能源安全可能被各國視為國家安全政策中非常重要的一環,故本文旨在探討若能源安全措施遭認定違反WTO之法律原則,實施措施之WTO會員可否透過WTO協定之國家安全例外條款正當化。

    It is common that every country across the globe needs to protect its energy security by either establishing governmental control or intervening in its market systems through state-owned enterprises. Yet, when implementing control measures for energy security, a country may tread into the realm of WTO legal principles as a result of its control measures restricting free trade of energy products or services. Given that some governments would uphold energy security as an indispensable part of its national security policy, the present paper seeks to answer the question: can a WTO member, whose energy security measures allegedly violated WTO rules, legitimize such violation by citing the national security exception clauses in the WTO agreements?

    Analysis of the results showed that the exception clauses were only applicable under certain circumstances such as for military needs, wars, or national defense. As such, given the subject or contexts of the respective measures, most currently-applied measures for energy security would be deemed inconsistent with the aforementioned conditions. Accordingly, this paper concluded that the national security exception clauses can hardly be used to buttress energy security measures. Instead, this paper proposes that WTO members, when articulating energy policies that might violate WTO principles, should specify the prescribed circumstances mentioned within Paragraph (b), Article XXI of GATT or Paragraph (b), Article XIV bis of GATS when stipulating their legal instruments and pertinent documents. By doing so, the member would be able to predicate its counter-argument upon the suggested-provision. This would be regarded as advantageous legal evidence and helpful for proving its consistency with the requirements of the national security exception clauses.
    Reference: 中文部分

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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1053510521
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    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.IB.001.2019.F06
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