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Title: | 影響製造業海外子公司企業永續及社會責任作為因素之研究 The Antecedents of Influencing Corporation Sustainability and Social Responsibility on Subsidiaries of Manufacture |
Authors: | 翁浩邁 Weng, Hao-Mai |
Contributors: | 于卓民 司徒達賢 Yu, Chwo-Ming Seetoo, Dah-Hsian 翁浩邁 Weng, Hao-Mai |
Keywords: | 企業永續及社會責任(CS-R) 地主國子公司 生態型CS-R 關懷型CS-R CS-R領導力 競爭優勢 Corporate sustainability and social responsibility (CS-R) Subsidiary Ecological CS-R Social CS-R CS-R leadership Competitive advantage |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-02-12 15:40:02 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究為地主國子公司企業永續及社會責任(CS-R)作為因素之研究,因過去研究多聚焦母國的多國公司CS-R看法,鮮少探討地主國子公司CS-R作為之文章,且在過去的多國公司文獻中,子公司的作為較母公司少,而本研究個案中有地主國子公司CS-R作為較母公司多的情形,有別於過去的文獻。 本研究聚焦在地主國子公司的角度,探討影響製造業海外子公司企業永續及社會責任(CS-R)作為因素為何?本研究採多重個案研究法及紮根理論本,訪談8家集團,共整理出10家地主國子公司CS-R作為,除提出「生態型CS-R」、「社會型CS-R」兩類作為,並依照過去文獻整理出「子公司CS-R作為八大策略」,地主國子公司並非採取單一策略作為,而是混合(Hybrid)採行之,因而本研究發展完整的製造業海外子公司企業永續及社會責任(CS-R)作為之因素架構。 因此,相較多國公司探討海外子公司CS-R觀點,本研究有五個重要貢獻:其一,建立「地主國子公司」為主體之完整影響因素架構,提出21個發現及14個命題,並具有理論及管理意涵。其二,本研究針對母公司、子公司CS-R領導力,發展出四個類型領導力,影響地主國子公司CS-R作為之矩陣,分別為:雙主導作為、母公司主導、子公司主導、消極作為。其三,依照生態型CS-R作為投入程度與社會型CS-R作為投入程度,發展出四個類型競爭優勢之矩陣,分別為:永續發展型競爭優勢、社會關懷型競爭優勢、環保型競爭優勢、單純經濟效益型競爭優勢。其四,本研究發現,子公司採取CS-R作為之效益,除了提供自己使用,亦能提供母公司使用,更甚者可提供整個集團子公司使用,補足子公司CS-R作為競爭優勢之文獻,呼應委託管理(mandate)之文獻。其五,本研究發現,子公司採取CS-R作為多於母公司情形,甚至有子公司發展能力反饋母公司,或分享給其他子公司使用,有別於過去傳統的國際企業理論指出,母公司作為較子公司多,將發展的能力傳遞給子公司使用,是本研究最重要之理論貢獻。 This research developed the corporate sustainability and social responsibility (CS-R) of the subsidiaries in the host country. The prior studies focus on MNCs CS-R instead of the subsidiary. This research argues that some subsidiary`s activities more than the home company in the research, and deeper than the home company, which is different from the prior literature. This research focuses on the perspective of the subsidiaries of the host countries and discusses the antecedents that affect the sustainability and social responsibility (CS-R) of subsidiaries of manufacturing industries. This research adopts Multiple Case Research and Grounded Theory, which interviews 8 groups, and 10 subsidiaries totally. In addition to the two types of "ecological CS-R" and "social CS-R", according to the prior literature, developed to “Eight Subsidiary CS-R Strategies", subsidiaries did not adopt a single strategy, but a hybrid (Hybrid) model to improve the benefits of CS-R. This research has five important contributions: First, the research provides an integrated structure for antecedents of the influencing of host country subsidiaries CS-R. Compared to the previous research, this research complements the theory of CS-R within the MNC field from host country subsidiaries view and connects CS-R theory and MNC theory with 21 findings and 14 propositions. Second, the research developed four types of CS-R leadership between the home company and subsidiary, affecting the matrix of the host`s subsidiary CS-R. Third, according to the ecological CS-R and the social CS-R as the antecedents, this research developed a matrix of four types of competitive advantages. Fourth, this research found that the subsidiary adopts CS-R as a benefit, in addition to local benefits for the local subsidiary, it also provides the benefits to the home company, and even more can provide them to the business group, to complement the subsidiary CS-R as a competitive advantage. Fifth, the research found that the subsidiary adopts CS-R more than the home company, and even has the subsidiary`s development capability to feedback to the home company, or share them with other subsidiaries, which is different from MNCs theory. |
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Description: | 博士 國立政治大學 企業管理學系 100355507 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100355507 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/DIS.NCCU.BA.001.2019.F08 |
Appears in Collections: | [Department of Business Administation] Theses
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