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    Title: 蘇花改路段私有土地取得決策過程分析─權變的觀點
    Analysis of the Decision-Making Process for the Acquisition of Private Land in the Suhua Improvement Section--Contingency Perspective
    Authors: 詹翔佑
    Chan, Hsiang-Yu
    Contributors: 黃東益
    Huang, Tong-Yi
    Chan, Hsiang-Yu
    Keywords: 蘇花改
    The Suhua improvement project
    Private lands
    the Price of acquisition for an agreement
    Land expropriation
    the Administration Decision-Making
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2019-01-23 15:10:10 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自99年6月苗栗大埔事件發生以來,政府機關私地徵收作業乃遇到了重大挑戰與變革,需地機關在用地取得行政過程中,必須審慎回應人民需求,以達土地正義與機關的最大共識。惟回顧過去文獻,多數內容僅探討以民眾角度觀之的土地正義或環境保護文獻,以政府機關立場討論私地取得的行政決策過程文獻卻是少數,為補足此不足,本文以「台9線蘇花公路山區路段改善計畫」七批私有土地取得過程的行政決策作為具體個案,並以101年土地徵收條例修法作為用地取得方式的分區時點,試圖釐清下述問題:蘇改處於土地徵收條例101年修訂前後私有土地取得有何困境或影響?面對其困境或影響機關有何因應方式或具體作為?另機關於土徵條例修訂前後所採取的行政決策模式為何?又其決策模式類型產生何種變化?

    經本研究訪談以「半結構式」的深度訪談方式訪問蘇花改工程處人員:本個案的決策模式於修法前後的狀況不盡相同,以問題認知的程度(目標的偏好)以及解決問題的知識(因果關係的信念)作為分析架構,連結至Daft (2005)所提供的決策模型後,發現於修法前的100年在B段的工程,較偏向各利害關係人的目標較為一致,但解決問題的知識亦即手段上較為不一致的漸進決策模式,而在101年至102年的A段工程中,雖然有部份漸進主義,但也逐漸具有目標一致,而手段卻不一致的卡內基決策模式發生;另在修法後的103年至104年的C段工程中,除了卡內基模式外,更具有目標及手段都不一致的垃圾桶決策情形發生,在最後的103年到106年的南澳交控中心工程中,卻又從垃圾桶模式,逐漸轉回一開始漸進主義,並有期待邁向管理科學行政決策模式的可能,過程可謂權變多元。
    Reviewing the literatures from 2010 Miaoli Dapu event, there are more discussions about the land justice from the point view of people, but less focusing on the point of view of government. Therefore, to make up this gap, this article uses “Suhua Improvement Project” to be the specific example, and based on the year of 2012 of The Land Expropriation Act amending to be the separated time, this article tries to clarify below questions: what the difficulties does Suhua Improvement Engineering meet before and after 2012? And how does it feedback? What kinds of the decision models are before and after 2012? And what do the models change?

    The author interviews the Suhua Improvement Engineering Office staff in a "semi-structural" way. In fact, the decision models are changing before and after 2012. If one connects to Daft’s theory, one can construct the problem consensus (preferences about goals) and the solution Knowledge (belief about cause - effect relationship) for the case. Accordingly, in the Suhua Secton B, one can find it goes to the Progressive Decision Mode due to the goal is similar but the way how to get the goal is different. And in the Section A, it comes to the Carnegie Model but even it also includes somehow Progressive Decision Mode. While in the Section C, it becomes to the Garbage Can model and a little Carnegie Model because one cannot control the situation. And finally at the Traffic Control Center stage, it mixes the Garbage Can Model up, but comes back to the Progressive Decision Mode again, and even looks forward to become the Management Science Decision Model. The process is multiplicity and to be a contingency.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104256020
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.PA.001.2019.F09
    Appears in Collections:[Department of Public Administration] Theses

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