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Title: | 新科技對停車場經營的衝擊-以台北市為例 Impacts from new technologies on parking lot industry (using Taipei city as the case) |
Authors: | 蕭人豪 Hsiao, Jen-Hao |
Contributors: | 高端訓 Koh, Simon 蕭人豪 Hsiao, Jen-Hao |
Keywords: | 停車場 自駕車 共享經濟 物聯網 自動駕駛汽車 Parking lot Self-Driver Sharing economy Internet of things Driverless car |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2019-01-23 14:55:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | This thesis will cover several aspects of parking lot industry in Taipei City. The business model of parking lot operators, local regulation, and the behavior and preference of drivers are covered in order to give us a holistic view to understand the industry. As the fast-evolving technologies gradually affect our affects, such as better public transportation, driverless car, and sharing economy platform, the industry is indeed facing challenges than ever before. However, we also notice that some major operators have been adopting different technological improvements to further grow and attract customers’ attention and elevate utilization of parking lots. At the end of thesis, some strategic recommendations are provided to enhance the foundation of their business operation, including automated parking system and cross-industry alliance. |
Reference: | Publications (in alphabetical order) Charles W. L. Hill and Gareth R. Jones, 2008, Strategic Management Theory - An Integrated Approach 9th Edition, South-Western Cengage Learning. Julie Walmsley, 2017, 4 Ways Self-Driving Cars Will Change Your Daily Life by 2021, Inc., November 29. Kate Baggaley, 2018, 6 surprising ways driverless cars will change our world, NBC News, April 18. Saad Hirani, 2016, The Accelerating Development of the Self-Driving Car, Sutardja Center, September 5. The Economist, 2018, Self-driving cars will profoundly change the way people live, March 1. 中興電工, 2018, 2017年中興電工年報. 交通部,自用小客車使用狀況調查, 2017. 李姿慧, 2018, eTag用戶破700萬 遠通電收去年首度賺錢, 蘋果日報, March 23. 林亮維, 2017, 停車,從未如此簡單!俥酷 iParking 要做你愛不釋手的大平台, Business Next Publishing, March 20. 林育立, 2018, 瞄準電動車與自駕商機 傳福斯與福特將擴大合作, 中央社, November 1. 邱煜婷, 2012, 養地 出租停車貼補稅金, 蘋果日報, June 25. 莊丙農, 2017, 資策會與壹傳科技共組雲端停車網, 時報資訊, January 10. 許瓊文, 2014, 陳雨鑫棄政從商 殺出停車業紅海, 今周刊, June 12. 陳紜甄, 2017, 議員踢爆嘟嘟房違法經營 北市府允諾徹查改善, 自由時報, May 23. 陳鼎鑫, 2017, UPARK物聯網智慧車位系統 停車不再一位難求, 兩岸好報, November 26. 楊文琪, 2018, 機捷人氣旺 運量超預期, 經濟日報, August 12. Websites (in alphabetical order) CB Insights, available at: https://www.cbinsights.com/ Park24 Co., Ltd., available at: http://www.park24.co.jp/en/ir/business/ Parking Network, available at: http://www.parking-net.com/ The Autostadt, available at: https://www.autostadt.de/en/explore-the-autostadt/car-towers Taiwan Park24 Parking Co., Ltd., available at: http://www.park24.com.tw/ Wikipedia, available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parking_lot/ 中興嘟嘟房停車網, available at: https://www.dodohome.com.tw/ 台北市交通統計查詢系統, available at: http://dotstat.taipei.gov.tw/pxweb2007P/Dialog/ 台北市停車場商業同業公會, available at: http://www.taipeiparking.org.tw 台灣聯通停車場, available at: http://www.taiwan-parking.com.tw/viewMapPark.do 全國法規資料庫, available at: https://law.moj.gov.tw/ 永固便利停車, available at: www.24tps.com.tw/ 臺北大眾捷運股份有限公司, available at: https://www.metro.taipei/ 臺北市停車管理工程處, available at: https://pma.gov.taipei/ 臺北市政府交通局, available at: https://www.dot.gov.taipei/ 遠通電收, available at: https://www.fetc.net.tw/ |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營管理英語碩士學位學程(IMBA) 105933006 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105933006 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.IMBA.003.2019.F08 |
Appears in Collections: | [國際經營管理英語碩士學程IMBA] 學位論文
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