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    Title: 兩岸反洗錢法制之研究
    A Research on Anti-Money Laundering Legal System and Practice of Mainland China and Taiwan
    Authors: 陳晨
    Chen, Chen
    Contributors: 王文杰
    Wang, Wen-Chieh
    Chen, Chen
    Keywords: 中國大陸
    Mainland China
    Anti-Money Laundering
    Comparative study
    FATF recommendations
    APG evaluation
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2019-01-04 16:37:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 現今社會,金融行業的高速發展帶來的不止是社會經濟的繁榮,還造成洗錢漏洞的滋生與蔓延,如何防制和打擊洗錢活動是各國家地區主管機關和金融主體必須直面和解決的問題。中國大陸歷經數年才達到國際組織評鑒標準,反洗錢法制雖有顯著發展,但與國際先進水平相比存在重大差距,依然問題重重。
    In the modern society, the rapid development of the financial industry has brought about not only the prosperity of the social economy, but also the breeding and spreading of money laundering crimes. How to prevent and combat money laundering is a problem that must be faced and resolved by relevant authorities and financial entities in various countries and regions. The Chinese mainland had been struggled for several years to reach the evaluation standard released by international organizations. Although the anti-money laundering(AML) legal system of China has improved significantly, there is still a great gap between the AML legal system of China and that of international advanced level.
    In 2018, China will face the challenge of the fourth round assessment of FATF, and Taiwan will also be confronted with the third round assessment of APG. In order to successfully pass the "examination" and make up for the deficiencies of the anti-money laundering legal system and practice, three aspects should be focused on:
    first, studying the local legal system, clarifying the current regulations on the issue of AML/CFT; second, understanding the international organizations` standards and research results on AML/CFT which could help us make clear of the paths of development; Third, based on the experiences of other countries as a mirror, combined with your own anti-money laundering theory and practice, finding out the fundamental problems of your own AML legal system. The contents of the above three aspects is the key to explore the history of anti-money laundering, and it is also the main point of this article.
    The first chapter of this paper is an introduction, summarizing the research motivation of this paper and raising questions.
    The second chapter is about the development of anti-money laundering legal system, which introduces the construction and development of the anti-money laundering legal system in mainland China and Taiwan.
    The third chapter is anti-money laundering supervision and management, which is divided into two major parts: administrative supervision including structure, cooperation mechanisms and basic principles of administrative supervision in mainland China; and criminal sanctions focusing on criminal norms and representative practical cases. Also the supervision and management on AML in Taiwan are also be demonstrated as the content of comparative law.
    The fourth chapter is about the anti-money laundering obligations of financial institutions and specific non-financial institutions.
    The fifth chapter focuses on the International cooperation.
    The sixth chapter is the conclusion, summarizing the content of the full text.
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    二、 英文部分
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105651070
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.LAW.040.2018.F10
    Appears in Collections:[法律學系] 學位論文

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