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Title: | 乳癌患者生命故事字詞分析與創傷後成長的關係 The relationship between word-frequency analysis of life narrative and posttraumatic growth in breast cancer patients |
Authors: | 李昀潔 Li, Yun-Chieh |
Contributors: | 許文耀 Hsu, Wen-Yao 李昀潔 Li, Yun-Chieh |
Keywords: | 乳癌 創傷後成長 字詞分析 生命故事 Breast cancer Posttraumatic growth Word analysis Life narrative LIWC |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2019-01-04 16:30:40 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 創傷後成長是個體經驗到認知層面及意義建構上的轉變,而生命故事可以幫助我們了解個體的意義、人格建構及自我認同,故本研究透過生命故事的字詞分析來了解個體的創傷後成長如何反映在生命故事中。本研究以字詞分析軟體LIWC2007針對不同類型(高峰、轉折、低潮)之生命故事進行文本分析,於研究一中探討不同類型生命故事的差異,透過字詞分析中去探索不同故事中所展現的特性。於研究二中透過字詞分析來探索創傷後成長程度不同的個體,在敘說生命故事時會有什麼不同的字詞使用特性,以及在不同類型生命故事中是否有所差異。本研究採用生命故事訪談法針對127位乳癌患者進行生命故事訪談,並填寫創傷後成長量表。研究結果顯示:(一)不同類型生命故事具有不同特性,患者在高峰故事中使用較多正向情緒詞、工作詞、成就詞、休閒詞,顯示在敘述高峰故事時會展現正向情緒性歷程,內容上較常提及個人成就、休閒活動;在低潮故事中使用較多負向情緒詞、健康詞、認知歷程詞,顯示低潮故事使個體舊有世界觀產生衝擊,因此產生較深度的認知處理,在故事中會展現事件帶來的負向情緒,更重要的是會強調對於事件的認知評估及因應;在轉折故事中使用較多宗教詞、健康詞,顯示其在內容上較常提及所經歷的重大改變,如宗教與靈性發展、罹癌經驗。(二)創傷後成長程度高的患者在敘述生命故事時使用較多第一人稱單數代名詞、相對詞、確切詞,LSM指標分數亦較高,顯示其在敘述生命故事時具有完整詳細、敘事連貫及肯定斷言的特性,且經驗與自我貼近程度較高,生命整合程度較高。此外,創傷後成長程度低的患者使用較多的否定詞,特別是在低潮與轉折故事中,顯示其在這兩類型的生命故事中傾向否定事件對於自己影響及意義。最後,針對本研究結果進行討論並提出臨床應用、研究限制與建議。 Posttraumatic growth (PTG) is that people experience a transformation of cognitive processing and meaning construction. Life narratives help us understand individual meaning, personality construction and self-identity. Therefore, this study was to explore PTG through word analysis of life narratives. Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC2007) was used to analyze different types of life narratives (high point, low point & turning point). In study 1, we explored the different characteristics displayed in the different life narratives through word analysis. In Study 2, we used word analysis to explore the word-use pattern differences of different degrees of PTG when they described their life narratives, and found out whether there were differences between different types of life narratives. Life story interview was used to collect 127 breast cancer patients’ stories. Results show that (1) Different types of life narratives have different characteristics. Patients used more positive emotion words, work words, achievement words, and leisure words in high point stories, which showed the positive emotional process when describing the high point stories. The content was often about personal achievements and leisure activities. In the low point stories, more negative emotion words, health words, cognitive words were used, which showed the challenge to the individual`s old assumptive world, and it produced a deeper cognitive process. In low point stories, people showed negative emotions brought by the event, and emphasized the cognitive assessment and response to the event. In the turning point stories, more religious words and health words were used. The content was often about people’s significant changes in lives, such as religious and spiritual development, cancer experience. (2) Patients with high level PTG used more first-person singular pronouns, relative words, and certain words when describing life narratives, and the LSM index scores are also higher, indicating that their narratives were complete, detailed, coherence, assertive, and the experience is more closer to self. In addition, patients with low level PTG used more negate words, especially in the low point and turning point stories, which shows that they tend to deny the impact and meaning of the events in these two types of life stories. Finally, implications and limitations of this study were discussed. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 心理學系 104752019 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104752019 |
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DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.PSY.019.2018.C01 |
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