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    Title: 網絡在秘魯製造業的創新中所扮演的角色
    The Role of Networks in the Innovation of Peruvian Manufacturing Companies
    Authors: 丹尼爾
    Segura Ferry, Daniel Dario
    Contributors: 魏玫娟
    Wei, Mei-Chuan
    Segura Ferry, Daniel Dario
    Keywords: 創新
    National innovation system
    Asia pacific
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-11-23 16:01:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 關於網絡與創新的相關研究,儘管有不少文獻探討網絡在促進創新的 採用、推廣與使用上所具有的重要性,特別是透過「大學—產業—政 府」所構成的三螺旋模型分析知識網絡在產業創新上所扮演的角色之 相關研究,但是並沒有針對秘魯案例進行的研究。為對相關理論跟經 驗研究有所貢獻,本論文使用來自 1,452 家製造業公司的數據,檢視 以下這些網絡(知識網絡、生產網絡和消費者網絡)對這些公司進行 創新之可能性的影響。同時,本研究也透過模型分析發現,亞太地區 網絡在知識傳遞方面對這些秘魯製造業公司的影響及重要性。本研究 結果顯示,生產網絡和消費者網絡對於創新的趨勢有重大的影響;此 外,根據本論文分析,與亞太地區國家有關係的公司比與之並無任何 關係的公司有更高的創新概率。
    Despite several studies around the world about the importance of networks in facilitating the adoption, diffusion and usage of innovation, especially, those studies related to the role of knowledge network reflected in the university–industry–government relations through the triple helix model, there is not a relevant study using this model for the Peruvian case. As a result, using data from 1,452 manufacture companies, this research examines the impact of these networks (knowledge network, production network and customer network) on the probability of innovation at these manufacturing firms. The same procedure is extended to consider a model that captures the effect of Asia Pacific Networks to understand the importance of the region in the transfer of knowledge to these companies. The results show a significant impact of the production network and customer network on the propensity to innovate. Additionally, it is found that companies that have a relation with an Asia Pacific country have a higher probability to innovate than companies without any relationship.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1059260171
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.IMAS.014.2018.A07
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