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    Title: 美容醫學產業在轉換經營權下組織再造與改變之道:以某美容醫學診所為例
    A Study on Organization Theory and Management: Case Study on“The Clinic B”
    Authors: 曾曦
    Tseng, Shi
    Contributors: 黃國峯

    Huang, Kuo-Feng
    Lien, Yung-Chih

    Tseng, Shi
    Keywords: 美容醫學產業
    Aesthetic medicine industry
    Case analysis
    Management consulting
    Organizational change
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-11-09 15:56:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究初以回顧組織變革之文獻,展開一系列個案公司內部運營現況分析,對現正面臨危機窘境的某美容醫學診所進行訪談,運用個案分析與企業診斷的研究方法徹底了解內部實際運轉過程,再以不影響營業額的狀況下研擬出專屬的變身計畫,將理論與實務整合,強化核心競能之際也建立後續成長動力。


    (一) 目標設立時,勿好高騖遠,確實將願景提出與員工溝通、分享
    (二) 上位者對變革態度有恆心、毅力,對變革的需求具敏銳度,願意賦予同仁權限
    (三) 以顧客的角度思考,視病猶親,誠心瞭解其需求
    (四) 將業績指標納為組織系統的一部分,造成內部的良性競爭、教學相長
    (五) 善用資訊科技系統,節省管理成本
    (六) 建立完善的內部溝通管道,鼓勵表達意見
    (七) 員工樂於學習新事物、勇於創新,且教育訓練參與度高
    (八) 員工對於組織變革之內容接受度、配合度高,互相提醒彼此,變成一種正向風氣


    This study first reviews the literature about organizational change, then extends to of series of analysis on internal business operation of corporation case to conduct the interview with an aesthetic medicine clinic which is facing operation crisis. By applying the research method of case analysis and management consulting, one can thoroughly comprehend the actual internal operating status and develop the exclusive transformation project while not affecting the business revenue for the company, to enhance the core competitiveness and establish further growth dynamic by integrating theoretical and practical aspects.

    The case corporation of this interview is the leader of the field of such industry with sufficient scale (annual revenue) and history. The interview is conducted with the CEO and chiefs of each division after acquiring the approval from the veteran and senior manager of the case company. Their voluntary on providing their precious time and core thinking about the company internals has contributed a lot to the discussion and conclusion of this study.

    The bottleneck of organizational management the case company is facing is that the industry has entered into the phase of maturity in which the industrial peers are increasing their sales by cutting the price. The case company has to conduct the overall internal adjustment in order to survive since the company is experiencing shrinkage of revenue in successive years and transition of right of management. Therefore, the Organizational Change Theory that Kotter presented in 2002 is here applied to promote the morale of the case company and rebuilt the employees’ passion to serve as well as reviving the revenue. It is primarily estimated that the result has a positive trend after six months of the reformation. The key factors for the success of changing of the case company are categorized as below after analyzing:
    1. Make no unpractical outlook after setting the goals and be sure to share and communicate with employees about such goals
    2. Perseverance is required for decision makers’ attitude toward changing as well as sensitivity on demand of change and willingness to provide authorization to colleagues
    3. To sincerely understand customers demand by putting itself at their positions
    4. Include the performance indicators as a part of organizational system to create virtuous internal competition for mutual growth
    5. Make good use of information technology system to reduce management cost
    6. Establish efficient internal communication channels and encourage the expressions of comments
    7. Employees are willing to learn new knowledge, dedicate to innovation and with high rate of participation of educational training
    8. Employees are highly accepting and complying with the organizational changing while reminding each other to form a positive atmosphere

    Besides practical suggestion from the case, it is believed that the result of this study can provide strategy and guidance about organizational change management to the managers of aesthetic medicine industry, as well as serving as the reference for researchers interested in this field with important values.

    Keywords:Aesthetic medicine industry、Case analysis、Management consulting、Organizational change
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104363074
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.089.2018.F08
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