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Title: | 產品類型、業者回應負評對於消費者態度及網路評論有用性評估之影響 The Impacts of Product Types and Responses to Negative Reviews on Consumers’ Attitudes |
Authors: | 王羿婷 Wang, Yi-Ting |
Contributors: | 邱奕嘉 Chiu, Yi-Chia 王羿婷 Wang, Yi-Ting |
Keywords: | 網路評論 態度 有用性 負評回應 產品類型 Online review Attitude Usefulness Response to negative review Product type |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-11-09 15:54:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 網路的發展,加速了資訊的流通,網路評論成為重要地口耳相傳方式,而這些網路評論也顯著影響消費者的購買決策,不只消費者依賴網路評論,業者也越來越關心這些網路上的留言或是意見。本研究欲探討不同的產品類型,以及業者針對負評做出回應,對於消費者態度的影響以及評論有用性評估是否產生差異。
實驗為2X2因子設計,分別為產品類型(實用型、享樂型) X業者回應負評(有回應、沒有回應),共四種版本,透過網路問卷填答得到評量結果,研究結果顯示,消費者閱讀不同類型的產品評論後,對於實用型及享樂型產品的感受沒有明顯差異。然而,對於享樂型產品的行為趨勢,較實用型產品正向,也就是說消費者閱讀完評論後更願意消費享樂型產品,或是推薦親友。而消費者對於評論有用性的評估,不會因為產品類型(實用型、享樂型)的不同而有差異,也不會因為業者是否針對負評做出回應而影響有用性的評估。然而當消費者看到業者針對負評做出回應,並不會因此而提升對於該產品(實用型與享樂型產品)的感受及行為。 The development of internet sped up the circulation of information. Online product review became the important way of word of mouth (WOM). However, this kind of online reviews affect consumer’s purchase decision significantly. Not only the consumers rely on online reviews, firms are also turning their attention toward reviews and opinions on the Internet.
This study examined the effect of different product type and whether firm responds to negative reviews on received review helpfulness. This study based on 2X2 factorial experiment: product type (Utilitarian/ Hedonic product) X whether the firm responds to negative reviews (Yes/ No). Four versions of surveys were created and I collected the data through online questionnaires. The results indicate, there’s no significant difference in terms of feeling after consumers read utilitarian and hedonic product reviews. However, the effect on consumer’s behavior of hedonic product is more positive than utilitarian product. It means consumers of hedonic product is more likely to purchase or recommend the product to their family or friends after they read online reviews. Speak of examining the helpfulness of online review, there’s no difference between utilitarian and hedonic product. Whether the firm responds to negative reviews doesn’t affect the helpfulness evaluation of consumers, moreover, it doesn’t increase their feeling and behavior toward the product either (both utilitarian & hedonic product). |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 1043641191 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1043641191 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.TIIPM.030.2018.F08 |
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