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    Title: 自由貿易協定下中小企業貿易問題與規範趨勢
    Regulatory Trend and Trade-Related Issues of SMEs under Free Trade Agreement
    Authors: 蘇郁淳
    Su, Yu-Chun
    Contributors: 楊培侃
    Yang, Pei-Kan
    Su, Yu-Chun
    Keywords: 中小企業
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-11-09 15:44:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中小企業是全球經濟的骨幹,同時也為許多國家創造了大量就業機會與可觀的GDP收入,擁有不輸大型企業的發展潛力,成為經濟驅動者的同時也帶來了創新創意的動能。在國際化的歷程中,中小企業逐漸從國內市場出走至海外發展,然而在國內表現亮眼的中小企業從事國際貿易時卻面臨到嚴峻的挑戰,可能的原因有海外市場資訊不夠公開、將貨物出口至其他國家時遇到過於繁瑣的海關程序、無法於第一時間得知外國法規變更、資金融通不易等問題,造成中小企業需要耗費更多成本來因應這些難題,無形間增加中小企業進一步發展的挑戰與壓力。
    Small and medium-sized enterprises are the main lifeblood of the global economy. At the same time, they have created numerous employment opportunities and considerable GDP income for many countries. SMEs have the potential to develop compared to large companies, and they also bring the dynamism of innovative ideas while becoming an economic driver. In the course of internationalization, SMEs have gradually evolved from the domestic market to overseas development. However, SMEs with outstanding performance in Taiwan face serious challenges when they engage in international trade. The possible reasons for the above situation are that the overseas market information is not openly available, the customs procedures that are too cumbersome to export goods to other countries efficiently, the inability to know the changes of foreign regulations as early as they are promulgated, the difficulty in financing the funds, etc. It costs more to meet these challenges. These problems invisibly increase the challenges and difficulties for the further development of SMEs.
    In order to deal with and solve the problems encountered by SMEs in international trade, this study will focus on exploring the normative development of SMEs in bilateral trade or regional free trade agreements, in addition to discussing the WTO`s multilateral trade agreement and recent ministerial meeting progress. In particular, under the stagnation of the multilateral structure, relatively vigorous bilateral or regional free trade agreements and recent giant trade agreements are also trying to create a friendly business environment for SMEs in order to increase more opportunities for SMEs’ engagement in international trade. However, these SMEs provisions in FTAs may not be effective enough to comprehensively address the problems the SMEs face in the cross-border trade.. It is still worthwhile to discuss further whether the effect is not mandatory or only some members are subject to their obligations. Therefore, the WTO could be a more proper forum to comprehensively address trade-related problems of small and medium-sized enterprises.
    All countries in the world have a counseling policy for SMEs, and the EU`s specifications on SMEs are more comprehensive, and the corresponding policy guidelines are made with the evolution of time and circumstances. In Taiwan, SMEs are the backbone of Taiwan`s economic development. In the Asian financial turmoil, SMEs used their small and flexible advantages to lead Taiwan`s economic success through the worst conditions. At the end of the study, the EU policy was used as a mirror to make policy recommendations for Taiwan`s SMEs counseling policy, with a view to making Taiwan`s SMEs more active in world trade
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105351050
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.IB.040.2018.F06
    Appears in Collections:[國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文

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