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Title: | 從契約法觀點論智慧合約的內涵與應用 The interpretation and application of smart contracts – from the perspective of contract laws |
Authors: | 吳俞慶 Wu, Yu-Ching |
Contributors: | 薛景文 Hsueh, Ching-Wen 吳俞慶 Wu, Yu-Ching |
Keywords: | 智慧合約 區塊鏈 分散式帳本 國際貿易 契約 Smart contracts Blockchain Distributed ledger technology International trade Contract |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-11-09 15:44:06 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 於二十世紀初誕生的「智慧合約(Smart Contract)」,其原始意義應是指由一連串可透過電子化手段自動執行的承諾所組成,並且儲存於電腦上的協定。歸功於近代分散式帳本、區塊鏈技術的發展,結合了新興科技的智慧合約,不僅可用來作為締約的手段,亦可作為輔助契約履行之工具,甚至產生了更多有別於以往想像的應用可能性。於此,也衍生了有關其法律地位應如何定性的爭議。考量智慧合約一詞既帶有「合約(Contract)」二字,且其應用亦與契約法律關係具有緊密關聯,未來更可能主要應用在跨國交易場域中,故本文即從不同法系下之契約法以及國際上與契約相關之規範出發,嘗試探討智慧合約在現行法下的定位和法律效力。 經過本文的分析後,發現智慧合約並無法與契約等同視之,且其自動執行的功能以及目前定位不明之狀態,亦可能造成其應用上衍生諸多法律爭議,但現行之契約規範亦並非完全無法適用在智慧合約,只不過部分規範仍有需要顧及區塊鏈技術之特殊性而加以調整。儘管如此,立法者仍須注意在智慧合約之發展未臻成熟之前,不應驟然針對智慧合約過早介入管制,以免制定出不符需求之規範,反倒弄巧成拙造成新科技的技術發展受限。而業界如欲研發智慧合約於商業活動之應用,亦應考量到其目前法律狀態既然尚屬不明,故在使用上仍以謹慎為宜。 The original concept of smart contracts could be defined as an electronic agreement composed of a series of commitments that can be executed automatically and stored on computers. However, due to the development of distributed ledger technology (DLT) and blockchain, the idea of smart contracts combined with these emerging technologies becomes even broader than ever. In other words, it can not only be used as a means of contracting, a tool to assist the fulfillment of the contract, but can also be applied in different ways not necessary related to contractual frameworks. The question then arises as to whether smart contracts should be deemed as a legally enforceable contract. Considering the term smart "contracts" is closely related to the legal contract. Also, the implementation of smart contracts can be largely beyond jurisdictional boundaries due to the cross-border nature of blockchain. Therefore, this article tries to clarify the legal characterization and validity of smart contracts under modern contract law in different legal systems and international trade law. This article argues that although some smart contracts could meet the requirements of a legal contract, still not all smart contracts are identical to the traditional contract. Thus, the application of smart contracts may lead to unprecedented legal issues. Yet, the current contract laws are not completely inapplicable to smart contracts, as long as some rules need to be modified based on the characteristics of blockchain technology. Nonetheless, legislators have to notice the fact that they should not regulate smart contracts untimely, so as not to limit the development of DLT and its related applications. On the other hand, industry utilizing smart contracts as a method to facilitate commercial activities should also consider the uncertainty of the legal status of smart contracts, and treat smart contracts with caution. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易學系 105351048 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105351048 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.IB.039.2018.F06 |
Appears in Collections: | [國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文
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