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Title: | 以社會資本理論探討『時代基金會』對台灣經濟發展的連結與貢獻 The connection between Epoch Foundation, the creative social capital network, and Taiwan economy |
Authors: | 王貞雅 Wang, Chen-Ya |
Contributors: | 溫肇東 Wen, Chao-Tung 王貞雅 Wang, Chen-Ya |
Keywords: | 社會資本 資源與網絡關係 時代基金會 Social capital Resource dependence Epoch Foundation |
Date: | 2014 |
Issue Date: | 2018-10-17 11:38:14 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2010年是時代基金會(Epoch Foundation)成立20周年,基金會舉辦了一系列活動慶祝其20歲生日,邀請了當時的麻省理工學院(MIT)校長Susan Hockfield、史隆管理學院(Sloan school)院長David C. Schmittlein 、10位頂尖科學家以及廣達電腦林百里董事長、台積電張忠謀董事長、朱敬一院士、舒維都院士(前MIT電腦暨人工智慧實驗室主任)以及賴聲川先生等人,與台灣各界菁英、青年學子共同探討2020年的願景。這場盛會背後代表的意義是,時代基金會無疑是台灣企業界與MIT交流最好的窗口之一,更重要的是,這樣的網絡關係隨著時間過去,不但沒有式微,反而愈發茁壯。因此我們不禁好奇,像時代基金會這樣的一個非營利組織(NPO),是如何能達成這樣的里程碑呢? 因此,本研究整理、歸納「社會資本」理論發展的背景,並以資源依賴理論與網絡關係的機制作為輔助理論,希望能探討時代基金會的社會資本具有什麼特性,為什麼能產生這些效益。本研究期盼藉由研究成果回答四點問題:(1) 時代基金會這樣一個能聚集社會資本,並且動員資源的平台組織,是如何從無到有,萌芽、建構乃至茁壯的?(2) 該組織有何創新之處,為什麼能與世界頂尖的大學或機構有這麼深入的互動與合作?(3) 會員企業透過時代基金會是否有獲取任何價值 ?(4) 時代基金會對台灣產業與社會有什麼貢獻? 本研究所得到的初步結論:(1) 由個人社會資本透過內部及外部連結,移轉成組織的社會資本,進一步讓網絡平台能被建構與茁壯。(2) 多元化但又互相連結的會務發展,使其網絡中的資源能發揮最大的效益。(3) 有形價值與無形價值都能對企業產生貢獻,更多時候企業需要的是未來性。(4) 當時代基金會的平台口碑逐步建立後,就能吸引更多的企業或學校、或者對創業有興趣的團隊等新血加入這個平台,讓時代基金會的平台可發揮的影響力增長,這就是時代基金會所能持續為台灣產業及社會投入的新動力。 June 2010 marked the 20th anniversary of the Epoch Foundation. The foundation held a series of events to commemorate its 20th birthday, inviting the president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the dean of the MIT Sloan School of Management, and ten top scientists to Taiwan to discuss their vision for 2020, exploring global issues, the impact of science and technology, the power of social culture, and the future role of business with Taiwanese elites from various fields. These experts also gave suggestions for Taiwan’s scientific, technological, and industrial development. The significance of this event points to 20 years’ hard work: the Epoch Foundation has not only become one of the best platforms for Taiwanese businesses to initiate exchanges with MIT; but more importantly, these networks have not declined over time. Instead, they have grown even more robust. Thus, we cannot help but asking: How did this nonprofit organization (NPO) get its started? How was it built and has been going from strength to strength? The thesis will use social capital theory and resource dependence theory to figure out the network of Epoch Foundation. This framework of thesis attempts to answer the following questions: (1) As an organization that is able to accumulate social capital and mobilize resources, how did the Epoch Foundation grow into its current form in terms of social capital formation, building, and gain? (2) What are the innovative characteristics of the foundation, and why has it been able to forge in-depth interactions and cooperation with the world’s top universities and institutions? (3) What kind of value do relevant parties gain from joining the foundation? (4) What does the Epoch Foundation contribute to Taiwanese industry and society? The conclusions of this thesis are as following: (1) The social relationship netwowks could be build and grow by bridging tie and bonding tie from members to organization. (2) The diverse but continuous projects have maximized its benefits by transferring resources within the network. (3) The contribution to relevant parties is existed offered by tangible value, intangible value or the sight of future. (4) As the Epoch Foundation’s reputation spread, it attracted more people into its network, including schools, enterprises, and start-up team members, and gradually increased its influence. The new and constant energy will impact on Taiwan industries and society. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 99359031 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099359031 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.TIIPM.029.2018.F08 |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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