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    Title: 設計以照片為主之旅遊故事共同創作平台
    Design of Photo-Based Collaborative Authoring Platform for Travel Story
    Authors: 陳雅玲
    Chen, Ya-Ling
    Contributors: 李蔡彥
    Li, Tsai-Yen
    Chen, Ya-Ling
    Keywords: 旅遊
    Collaborative authoring
    Geotagged photo
    Creative thinking
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-10-01 12:21:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來旅遊產業持續發展,世界各國的人民也越來越重視生活品質,安排各式各樣大大小小的旅遊活動並且拍照片紀念。一般使用者通常於社群媒體(Social Media)、即時通訊應用軟體(Instant Communications)、雲端空間(Cloud Space)或部落格(Blog)分享旅遊照片,但是這些平台並沒有特別設計共同創作旅遊故事的功能,也沒有提供易於回顧整個旅遊歷程的功能設計。本研究構想出結合旅遊(Travel) x 共同創作(Collaborative Authoring) x 地理標記照片(Geotagged Photo)的新概念,提供一個讓使用者能透過旅遊的地理標記照片(Geotagged Photos)來共同創作的平台。針對這些旅遊的地理標記照片(Geotagged Photos)和本系統的網站設計,讓使用者易於搜集和分享旅遊照片,使用者可以使用手機在旅遊當下和夥伴的互動過程中即時記錄美好的一刻,並且進一步使用本系統所提供的共同創作平台設計和回顧旅遊歷程的功能設計等,以旅遊照片為主和文字描述為輔,加上運用豐富的想像力和創意點子來共同創作出屬於他們的旅遊故事。我們邀請實驗群組共10組,每一群組成員的人數至少為兩人(含)以上同一組,總使用者是21人。我們線上對使用者進行實驗說明和請使用者閱讀線上系統熟悉介面的使用手冊,並且要求群組使用者完成實驗任務,最後再透過問卷調查與訪談的方式來探討系統的優缺點。問卷的評分使用5分量表,有用性和滿意度的平均分數均超過4分以上得知,本系統基本上能夠有效地提供使用者以照片為主來共同創作旅遊回憶故事,讓使用者感到滿意,並且藉由共同創作的互動過程來激發創意思維。至於系統易用性的平均分數為3.98(接近4分),顯示使用者對於本系統的易用性表示同意,但在操作說明手冊和使用者介面上的設計也提出了一些改善的建議。本系統的主要目的是希望能提供使用者,透過旅遊的地理標記照片(Geotagged Photo)來共同創作旅遊故事的平台,由實驗結果與使用者的回饋顯示,證實了本系統的發展價值。
    In recent years, the tourism industry has continued to develop, and people from all over the world have paid more and more attention to the quality of life. They have arranged many kinds of tourism activities and took photos for memory. Users usually share travel photos in Social Media, Instant Communications, Cloud Space, or blogs. These platforms don`t specifically design the capability for collaborative authoring and also did not provide functional design that is easy to review the entire travel history. In our research, we conceived a new concept that combines travel x collaborative authoring x geotagged photo, to provide a platform for users to collaborative authoring through geotagged photo of travel. Our system makes it easy for users to collect and share travel photos. Users can use the mobile phone to instantly record a beautiful moment in the interaction with their partners. Users can base on travel photos and text descriptions to create their own travel stories with creative ideas. We have invited 10 groups whose total users are 21 to test our system through online user guide and experimental mission. Finally, the questionnaire survey and interview were conducted after the experiments. The scoring of the questionnaire is a 5-point scale. The evaluation results show that the average score for the usability and satisfaction are more than 4 points which show our system is basically able to effectively provide users to create a beautiful travel story with collaborative authoring, and stimulate creative thinking through interaction with partners. The average score for the ease-of-use dimension is 3.98 (close to 4 points) which indicate most users agree our system is easy to use, but they also provide some suggestions for user manual and interface design. The main purpose of our system is to provide users to create beautiful travel story with geotagged photos through collaborative authoring. The results reveal that our system is valuable for creating a beautiful travel story by collaborative authoring.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101971016
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.EMCS.012.2018.B02
    Appears in Collections:[資訊科學系碩士在職專班] 學位論文

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