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    Title: 馬英九對海事爭議的外交政策之外在與內在因素 (2008-2016)
    Ma Ying-Jeou `s Diplomatic Policies Towards the Maritime Disputes (2008-2016): Outside-In And Inside-Out Factor
    Authors: 莫伊塞斯
    Souza, Moises Lopes
    Contributors: 劉復國
    Liu, Fu-Kuo
    Souza, Moises Lopes
    Keywords: 南海
    South China Sea
    Ma Ying-jeou
    Maritime policy
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-10-01 12:19:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 摘要
    The Republic of China (ROC) is at the epicenter of two of the most intractable disputes of our time: the dispute over the Senkaku/Diaoyutai Islands with China and Japan, and the territorial and maritime disputes in the South China Sea with Brunei, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. These disputes have been considered as two potential volatile flashpoints in the contemporary international arena and have sparked massive public nationalistic demonstrations around East and Southeast Asia. They have their official origins in the 1930s in the South China Sea and immediately after the World War II in the East China Sea. The claims were articulated by the Nationalist government (Kuomintang) of the Republic of China while in power in mainland China and kept after its retreat to the island of ROC. The claims have different scopes and natures given their origins, the number of competing claimants and area demanded. In the East China Sea, the area claimed involves the Diaoyutai Islands and the interpretation of their ownership based on treaties and documents signed by Japan after its surrender in 1945.
    Using qualitative research method, this study aims to contribute by offering a clear assessment of the drivers behind of ROC’s foreign diplomatic policies towards the maritime and territorial disputes which it is currently involved. Specifically, the goal is to examine the key factors that shaped the Ma Ying-geou’s foreign policies to the maritime disputes in East and South China Sea during his two terms as president from 2008 to 2016. Ultimately, it aims to identify what factors and players at each level of analysis best explain the diplomatic policies proposed and implemented by Ma Ying-jeou towards the maritime disputes.
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