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    题名: 中國大陸一帶一路下的境外港口布局
    China’s Layout in Overseas Ports Along the Belt and Road
    作者: 邢昌元
    Hsing, Chang-Yuan
    贡献者: 邱坤玄
    Chiu, Kun-Shuan
    Hsing, Chang-Yuan
    关键词: 一帶一路倡議
    Maritime silk road
    Sea power strategy
    日期: 2018
    上传时间: 2018-10-01 12:18:23 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 2013年,中國大陸提出「21世紀海上絲綢之路」並對外宣稱藉協助各國建設港口基礎設施,達到設施連通、貿易暢通,進而共同開發海洋資源。然審視中國大陸的海外港口投資發展迄今,雖然不似珍珠鏈戰略所說將港口挪作軍事用途,卻可以發現中國是依著海上通道咽喉點來選擇投資港口,以貿易角度而言,這些港口的貨櫃吞吐量並非名列前茅,天然條件亦非最佳,卻都是地理戰略位置非常重要的節點。中國為了降低其他國家對其疑慮,透過海上反恐合作、護航任務,提高國際形象,換個角度想中國已經具有藍水海軍的能力,海權實力不容小覷。
    China proposed “the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road” in 2013, claiming that China will help countries build ports, so as to realize onfrastructure connectivity and unimpeded trade. Judging from China’s investment in overseas ports, China did not adopt the “String of Pearls. Strategy” and militarize the ports it invested in. However, it can be found that those ports are along the chockpoints of the maritime routes. Although the ports neither give outstanding throughput performance nor enjoy superb natural conditions in terms of trade, their position are great geopolitical and strategic importance. In order to ease concern around the world, China is improving its global image through maritime counterrorism cooperation and escort missions. However, such moves also that its Navy has acquired blue water capabilities, so China’s maritime strength should not be underestimated.
    China sells its BRI to the world. Most of the Asia-Pacific and South Asian countries, which are geographically close to China and weak in political, economic, and military strengths, tend to support the initiative. India, feeling geopolitically threatened, strongly oppose it. Most Gulf and African countries suffer from polical instability and poor infrastructure, but they also welcome the initiative thank to their long-time close delations with China. EU member states, in general, reject the initiative, but they still welcome Chinese investment in private due to problems within the EU and gloomy economy. As for US, those the new administration turn down the initiative, its withdrawal from the TPP also weakened its influence in Asia. As a result, Japan has become the new obstacle for Chinese port investments in the region, leading to fierce Sino-Japanese competition over the ports in Southeast Asian and South Asian countries.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105922024
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.DIPSIS.010.2018.F09
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