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    Title: 看見犯「輟」的世界─中輟生合作式中途班經驗的解釋性互動論研究
    To explore the world of dropouts-an interpretive interactionism study on the experience of dropouts in collaboration transition school
    Authors: 連芬蘭
    Lian, Fen-Lan
    Contributors: 王增勇
    Wang, Tsen-Yung
    Lian, Fen-Lan
    Keywords: 中輟生
    Interpretive interactionism
    Collaboration transition school
    Dropout rehabilitation
    Qualitative research
    Compulsory education
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-10-01 12:17:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究起源於研究者個人在學校及合作式中途班的實習及教學經驗,試圖以青少年主體經驗為出發點,將解釋性互動論作為研究方法,深度訪談三位在合作式中途班就讀並畢業的中輟生。
    This study originated from the researcher`s internship and teaching experience in the school and collaboration transition school.Try to take the teenagers’ experience as the starting point, and takes the interpretive interactionism as a research method, in-depth interviews with three dropout students who enrolled in a collaboration transition school.
    Research process starting from three teenagers life story, then find out how teenagers become dropouts,and transfer into the collaboration transition school.And then sort out their learning experiences in the collaboration transition school to understand what unique learning field is collaboration transition school try to creat to dropouts. Finally, the experience of dropouts should be put back into the compulsory education system to examine the limitations of current compulsory education in dealing with dropouts.
    The study found that under the current compulsory education system,personal distress in teenagers lives can not be seen, nor can it be solved in the current educational field. And Compulsive learning under compulsive education system is also difficult to respond to the learning needs of different individuals, which leads to the resistance of teenagers to the field of education. In addition, the current education field is difficult to promote the establishment of relations, which is broken with the teenagers life world. If it allows the education profession and other professions to run in parallel in education system, it may become a new way out for compulsory education. Therefore, although the emergence of dropouts is the inevitable result of compulsory education, but the problem is not the compulsory education itself, but the process of compulsory education practice. If we can develop the educational field with teenagers’ demand as the main subject,it may become a new way out of compulsory education.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100264011
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.GISW.004.2018.F04
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