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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/120279

    Title: 韓國服務業對外開放的戰略與開放程度分析 -區域與雙邊的跨域比較
    Korea`s opening-up strategy and the degree of openness in its service industry-The comparison of bilateral and regional trade integration
    Authors: 張榆清
    Chang, Yu-Ching
    Contributors: 童振源
    Tung, Chen Yuan
    Chang, Yu-Ching
    Keywords: 韓國服務業
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-10-01 12:14:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 韓國因其地理位置及出口項目,一直以來是我國在國際貿易上的競爭對手, 近年來在雙邊及多邊自由貿易協訂的簽署上發展迅速,自 2004 年與智利簽訂 自由貿易協定生效至 2017 年止,已生效之雙邊貿易協定已達 15 個。且為首 個與美國、歐盟及中國大陸三大經濟體同時簽訂雙邊自由貿易協定的國家,韓 國目前是東南亞國協夥伴國之一,並積極參與多邊「區域全面經濟夥伴協定」 (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, RCEP)的協商。本文使 用 Marchetti & Roy 量化法探討韓國與主要貿易經濟體:中國大陸、美國、新 加坡、東協、歐盟等所簽訂的服務貿易開放程度,加上文獻分析法整理韓國服 務貿易戰略,分析韓國服務業在對外開放的程度及戰略以及與多邊貿易協定之 比較。其中美國及新加坡因經濟發展程度及對外開放程度高,與韓國簽訂之雙 邊貿易協定為負面表列模式,是以整體開放程度較高,而對中國大陸、東協、 土耳其等貿易協定開放幅度差異不大。由於東協及夥伴國組成的 RCEP 談判 未果,根據 RCEP 談判原則推測,在最惠國待遇限制下,韓國對於 RCEP 的 服務貿易開放程度應會高於與新加坡之承諾。最後藉由韓國發展貿易協定之戰 略,以及中韓 FTA 與兩岸經濟貿易架構協議之比較,提出我國未來發展區域 經濟合作及開放國內市場之建議。
    Because of the geographical location and the high similarity of the export product, Korea has been our competitor in international trade market. In recent years, Korea has been aggressive in negotiation about bilateral or regional free trade agreement. It’s already signed fifteen free trade agreements with other countries. And Korea is the first East Asia country who signed FTA with USA, EU and China. They also involve the negotiation of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, RCEP. The thesis uses Marchetti & Roy`s quantitative method to explore and analyze the openness to trade services agreement signed by the major economies of Korea: China, USA, Singapore, ASEAN, EU...etc. In addition, the thesis reviews Korea`s trade in services strategy with literature analysis method, and analyzes the comparison of the degree of openness of Korea`s service industry and multilateral agreement by discussing the qualitative and quantitative results.
    First of all, the higher opening level of Korea’s Free Trade Agreement commitment is USA and Singapore. Due to the Service Trade Schedule of Specific Commitments is based on negative listing approach. Second, the opening level of ASEAN, China and Turkey is similar, their Service Trade Schedule of Specific Commitments is based on positive listing approach. According to the negotiation of RCEP is still go on, so we can conjecture the degree of openness of Korea in RCEP should be higher than Singapore. Finally we propose the suggestion of regional economic cooperation and extending the limitation of domestic market in Taiwan by the comparison of Korea`s opening-up strategy, the FTA of China and Korea, and ECFA.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100261014
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.GIDS.011.2018.F09
    Appears in Collections:[國家發展研究所] 學位論文

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