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    政大機構典藏 > 理學院 > 心理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/120254
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    Title: 親密關係的互動:拒絕敏感度與接近動機、逃避動機關聯之探討
    Interactions in Close Relationships: The Exploration of the Associations among Rejection Sensitivity, Approach Motivation and Avoidance Motivation
    Authors: 洪翊鴻
    Hong, Yi-Hong
    Contributors: 李怡青

    Lee, I-Ching
    Sun, Chien-Ru

    Hong, Yi-Hong
    Keywords: 親密關係
    Close relatiionship
    Approach motivation
    Avoidance motivation
    Rejection sensitivity
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-10-01 12:09:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 維持親密關係與親密關係中的行為反應有關,研究發現動機能夠預測行為反應,其中,又以接近動機、逃避動機對親密關係中的行為反應有較大的預測力。不過接近、逃避動機與親密關係中行為的關聯,可能因為個別差異而有強度的差異。過往研究發現高拒絕敏感度者,其逃避動機與負向行為的關聯,較低拒絕敏感度者強;研究也發現高、低拒絕敏感度者,對模糊的互動情境有不同的認知樣態與情感反應,而這可能影響動機預測行為反應的關聯。因此,本論文嘗試探討接近、逃避動機對於親密關係中情緒的預測力,並檢驗拒絕敏感度是否為其調節變項。本論文有兩個研究,研究一以一個月為間隔,檢視參與者在時間點一的接近、逃避動機是否能預測後續戀情中對伴侶的正、負向情緒,此外,動機與情緒的關聯是否會受到拒絕敏感度所調節。主要發現為逃避動機對後續的負向情緒有預測力,對親密關係滿意度則否。接近動機對後續的正向情緒、親密關係滿意度都有預測力。研究二以實驗法的方式操弄動機,並且請參與者在想像的模糊拒絕情境中做反應,檢驗操弄動機是否可以影響動機對後續行為反應的預測力。研究二共有兩種主要操弄(提升接近動機、降低逃避動機),以迴歸做分析,結果顯示動機操弄的有無,對狀態動機有預測力、狀態逃避動機對負向情緒有預測力、狀態接近動機對正向情緒有預測力。研究者檢視拒絕敏感度是否能調節上述的預測關係,結果狀態逃避動機對負向情緒的預測關係,會受到拒絕敏感度所調節。研究二的發現也說明操弄動機對情緒有一定程度預測力,以此說明操弄的效果,而這些發現有助於親密關係中的維持與互動。
    Previous research shows that motivations can predict action and response. These findings can maintain quality of close relationships.There are two types of motivation in close relationships:approach and avoidance motivations. Approach motivations can predict positive response and avoidance motivation can predict negative response in close relationships, but how strong the prediction is depend on individual difference. Previous research shows that compared to individuals with low rejection sensitivity, avoidance motivations are more associated with negative response in individuals with high rejection sensitivity. And there are different cognition and affect responses between people with low and high rejection sensitivity. Main goals of this research are to investigate if motivations (approach, avoidance) can predict emotion response in close relationship and if these associations are modulated by rejection sensitivity. There are two studies in this research. Study1 was a survey study (longitudinal) that measured participants’ approach motivation, avoidance motivations, rejection sensitivity, and response in close relationship (positive and negative emotion, relationship satisfaction). Study1 found that avoidance motivations could predict negative emotions, approach motivations could predict positive emotions and relationship satisfaction. Study2 was an experiment that contained two manipulations of motivations and it used a scenario story to manipulate ambiguous rejection cues. Study2 mainly found that manipulations of motivations could predict change of state motivation, state approach motivation could predict positive emotions, state avoidance motivation could predicted negative emotions, and association between avoidance motivation and negative emotions was modulated by participants’ rejection sensitivity. Results in study2 suggested that manipulations of motivations could predict change of emotions in close relationships, and that is helpful to maintain quality of close relationships. Two studies provided convergent evidence to this research to suggest that motivations can predict emotions in close relationships, and association between avoidance motivations and negative emotions is modulated rejection sensitivity.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102752009
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.PSY.016.2018.C01
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