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    題名: OTT TV與既有付費電視在視訊服務市場的競爭:以破壞式創新理論分析
    Competition between OTT TV and the Incumbent Pay TV in the Video Service Market: A Perspective from Disruptive Innovation Theory
    作者: 陳弘軒
    Chen, Hung-Hsuan
    貢獻者: 劉幼琍
    Liu, Yu-Li
    Chen, Hung-Hsuan
    關鍵詞: 破壞式創新
    OTT TV
    Disruptive innovation
    Platform strategy
    OTT TV
    Cable television
    日期: 2018
    上傳時間: 2018-10-01 12:03:59 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 全球電視媒體產業正在迎接OTT TV帶來的數位革命,這股OTT TV破壞式創新的顛覆浪潮,正席捲著台灣視訊服務市場,也為台灣既有電視媒體帶來市場競爭規則的改變。為了探討OTT TV與既有電視媒體在台灣視訊服務市場的競爭策略,本研究試圖從破壞式創新理論的視角,深入探討OTT TV如何在台灣市場發展破壞式創新模式?又台灣既有付費電視如何因應與轉型?以及「非法盜版」對台灣OTT TV破壞創新帶來何種的影響與衝擊?

    本研究採用大量文獻分析、深度訪談九位產官學界專業人士,並輔以OTT TV與既有付費電視各兩家業者進行多重個案的比較與分析,藉此,研究者根據破壞式創新理論的相關論述,分別針對台灣OTT TV以及既有付費電視提出策略建議,同時,也針對政府對抗盜版政策提出相關看法與建議。

    綜合文獻與訪談資料的分析,本研究有三大重要發現。第一,OTT TV在台灣創造「新市場」與「低階市場」的破壞性成長機會,例如愛奇藝與LiTV就各自運用不同的破壞創新模式進攻台灣市場。然而,OTT TV在台灣依舊難尋「可獲利的商業模式」,因而如何鏈結多邊市場,創造平台經濟模式,帶動用戶往更高檔的消費需求邁進,是OTT TV破壞式創新的成功關鍵。第二,OTT TV在台灣市場的破壞式創新除了須考量市場競爭因素,亦須考量非市場因素,其中最關鍵的「非法境外盜版」,就嚴重打擊台灣OTT TV業者的破壞創新動機與經營能力,因而本研究建議政府應及早「多管齊下」,透過行政、司法、政府輔導等三種管制模式,以健全台灣OTT TV市場創新的公平競爭與友善的智財環境。第三,為了因應OTT TV的破壞性攻擊,台灣既有付費電視例如凱擘與中華電信已經加入OTT TV戰局,推出融合Pay TV+OTT TV的「混合式維持性創新」,同時,兩者為了吸納收編OTT TV,也各自採取不同的策略途徑與組織轉型模式,以利新舊事業齊頭並進以及資源整合。展望未來,台灣既有付費電視必須認真思考如何重新定位核心事業,並且如同破壞者一樣開闢OTT TV的新藍海市場。

    關鍵字:破壞式創新、平台策略、OTT TV、有線電視、IPTV、盜版
    The subversive wave of OTT TV disruptive innovation has been changing the rules of market competition for the incumbent television media in Taiwan. In order to explore the competition strategies of both OTT TV and the incumbent Pay TV in the Taiwanese video service market, this study from the point of view of disruptive innovation theory considers the question of how OTT TV develops the model of disruptive innovation in the Taiwanese market. It also examines not only how the Pay TV in Taiwan responds and is in turn transformed, but also the impact that illegal piracy has on OTT TV disruptive innovation in Taiwan as well as the conflicts that subsequently arise.

    This study utilizes numerous literature reviews and in-depth interviews with nine professionals in the industry-government-university field, in order to compare and analyze multiple cases of OTT TV and the incumbent Pay TV. In light of discussions on disruptive innovation theory, the researcher thereby focuses on both OTT TV and the incumbent Pay TV in Taiwan to propose strategic suggestions, with government policy to counter piracy being targeted.

    Through the analysis of the literature review and the many interviews, the study crystallizes three major findings. First of all, OTT TV has created opportunities for disruptive growth in both “new markets” and “low-end markets” in Taiwan. IQIYI and LiTV, for instance, have respectively employed different disruptive innovation models to enter the Taiwanese market. However, OTT TV has not found a “profitable business model” in Taiwan. Therefore, a key to success for OTT TV disruptive innovation is concerned with how to connect multi-sided markets and create a platform revolution to encourage users to take big strides towards higher levels of consumer demand. Secondly, apart from considering the factors associated with market competition in disruptive innovation in the Taiwanese market, OTT TV also has to take into account non-market factors. The most critical of these among other things is “illegal offshore piracy,” which has severely impacted the Taiwanese OTT TV practitioners’ motives of disruptive innovation and their entrepreneurial capabilities. Thus, the study recommends that the government deploy multiple solution methods as soon as possible and adopt the three regulatory models of administration, the judicature and government counseling to ensure a friendly and fair competitive environment to encourage innovation in the Taiwanese OTT TV market. Thirdly, in response to the disruptive attack of OTT TV, the Taiwanese incumbent Pay TV firms, such as Kbro and Chunghwa Telecom, have already entered the battle over OTT TV and proposed a hybrid approach to sustain innovation, which combines Pay TV and OTT TV. Meanwhile, in order to absorb OTT TV, both firms also respectively employ different strategic approaches and models of organizational transformation to achieve a balance between old and new businesses and resource integration. Looking forward to the future, the incumbent Taiwanese Pay TV must seriously consider the question of how to re-locate its core business and open up as a disruptor in the blue ocean market of OTT TV.

    Keywords: disruptive innovation, platform strategy, OTT TV, cable television, IPTV, piracy
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