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    Title: 難民治理中的公私夥伴關係:以德國為例
    Public-Private Partnerships in Refugee Governance: A Case Study of Germany
    Authors: 許凱棻
    Hsu, Kai-Fen
    Contributors: 姜家雄
    Chiang, Chia-Hsiung
    Hsu, Kai-Fen
    Keywords: 德國
    Public-private partnerships
    Refugee crisis
    Syrian refugees
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-09-03 16:02:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: The Syrian civil war has entered in its eighth year in 2018. Currently, around 6 million Syrians have fled to neighboring states and European countries for refuge. As the largest refugee crisis since the World War Two, non-state actors (NSAs) are becoming more and more crucial in terms of refugee governance. This thesis attempts to explore how NSAs and their cooperation and networks with public actors contribute to manage the refugee crisis through further investigating public-private partnerships (PPPs) on refugee matter in Germany. The findings show that the existing PPPs concerning refugee affairs are mostly on service delivery and capacity building; the formation of these PPPs and networks is not only owing to state actors’ contracting out social services to NSAs, but also because NSAs and civil society volunteer to help refugees and asylum-seekers live a better lives.
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    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.IMPIS.020.2018.A06
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