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    Title: 個人價值觀與社會創業警覺力:一個調節式中介效果模型的驗證
    Personal Values and Social Entrepreneurial Alertness: A Moderated Mediation Model
    Authors: 游銘仁
    Yu, Ming-Jen
    Contributors: 吳靜吉
    Wu, Jing-Jyi
    Yu, Ming-Jen
    Keywords: 社會創業警覺力
    Social entrepreneurial alertness
    Personal values
    Prosocial motivation
    Perspective taking
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-09-03 16:01:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 儘管創業警覺力的概念在一般創業研究中已受到廣泛重視,但在以往研究中,較少有研究從社會創業的角度探討創業警覺力。因此,本研究延續過去的研究,把創業警覺力的概念延伸至社會創業脈絡中進行研究。本研究採用問卷調查法,以196位職場人士(樣本一)與193位大學生(樣本二)為研究對象,探討個人價值觀、利社會動機與社會創業警覺力的關係,並檢視利社會動機的中介角色以及觀點取替的調節式中介效果。研究結果顯示,在職場人士樣本中,自我超越價值觀會正向影響社會創業警覺力,但在大學生樣本中,自我超越和自我提升價值觀都會正向影響社會創業警覺力。此外,兩個樣本的結果均顯示,自我超越價值觀會正向影響愉悅型和壓力型利社會動機,且壓力型利社會動機不僅會影響社會創業警覺力,也在自我超越價值觀與社會創業警覺力的關係中扮演重要的中介角色。另一方面,在職場人士樣本中,觀點取替會調節自我提升價值觀透過壓力型利社會動機影響社會創業警覺力的中介關係,但在大學生的樣本中,觀點取替則是會調節自我超越值觀透過壓力型利社會動機影響社會創業警覺力的中介關係。本研究貢獻除了延續以社會創業的角度研究創業警覺力之外,最重要的是建構一個社會創業警覺力過程的理論模式。最後,本研究之研究結果,可以提供大學甚至中小學有關社會創業教育課程設計和教學方法之參考。
    Though the importance of entrepreneurial alertness is acknowledged within the entrepreneurship literature, researchers have yet to fully explore its role in the context of social entrepreneurship. To address this gap, this study expanded existing research by investigating the relationship between personal values and social entrepreneurial alertness, the possible mediating effect of prosocial motivation on this relationship, and how this mechanism may be contingent on perspective taking. This study examines survey data from two samples, the first consisting of 196 employees from two companies and the second including 193 undergraduate students from three universities in Taiwan. The results show that self-transcendence has positive effects on social entrepreneurial alertness in both samples 1 and 2, however, self-enhancement has positive effects on social entrepreneurial alertness solely in sample 2. Across both samples, results indicate that self-transcendence positively affects pleasure- and pressure- based prosocial motivation respectively, and pressure-based prosocial motivation not only positively affects social entrepreneurial alertness but also mediates the relationship between self-transcendence and social entrepreneurial alertness. In addition, the results of tests for moderated mediation show that perspective taking moderates the mediating effect of pressure-based prosocial motivation on the relationship between self-enhancement and social entrepreneurial alertness in sample 1, while in sample 2, perspective taking moderates the mediating effect of pressure based prosocial motivation on the relationship between self-transcendence and social entrepreneurial alertness. Overall, this study contributes to the literature by providing a theoretical model for social entrepreneurial alertness with potential practical implications for social entrepreneurship education.
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