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Title: | 新建校舍用後評估之研究-以新北市新設校為例 A Study of the Post Occupancy Evaluation for the New School in New Taipei Municipality |
Authors: | 廖菁芬 Liao, Ching-Fen |
Contributors: | 湯志民 Tang, Chih-Min 廖菁芬 Liao, Ching-Fen |
Keywords: | 新設校 用後評估 學校建築特色 支援區域 New school POE(the Post Occupancy Evaluation)) School building features Support area |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-09-03 16:00:29 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究針對新北市近十年9所新設校,進行校舍用後評估,希望透過用後評估的問卷調查、校舍建築基本資料的蒐集和建校相關人員的訪談,能夠了解下列事項: 一、了解新北市近十年9所新設校用後評估各層面是否符應需求。 二、了解新北市近十年9所新設校各校之各層面的資料比較。 三、了解新北市近十年9所新設校有何共通性問題,提出解決策略。 四、新北市近十年9所新設校中各校有關綠建築指標的比較。 本研究之問卷依據 Preiser W. F. E., Rabinowitz H. Z. and White E. T.所編撰的Elementary School Post-occupancy Evaluation量表編譯,並依據不同身分填答者加以編撰而成研究之量表,再依據回收之問卷,進行統計分析。調查對象為9所新設校之學生、教師和家長,計有學生870人、教師320人和家長180人,共計1,370人,學生問卷回收850份,有效樣本821份,教師問卷回收為304份,有效樣本281份,家長問卷回收177份,有效樣本167份,共計有效樣本為1,269份。 資料分析經百分比、平均數、標準差、單因子變異數分析和卡方考驗,並輔以訪談設校人員,獲致研究結果如下。 一、新北市近十年9所新設校之用後評估大致符合需求 二、新北市近十年9所新設校之用後評估在性別和身分別變項有顯著差異存在 三、新北市近十年9所新設校各校之間用後評估比較,以「充足的教育設備」滿意度最高,而「支援區域」滿意度較低。 四、彙整新北市近十年9所新設校的共通性問題有8個,其中以「學校人員的更迭頻繁」最嚴重,「學校、設計單位和工程單位意見難以整合」次之。 五、新北市近十年9所新設校之設校歷程以D校最久、A校次之;設校問題以B校最多、C校和F校較少;用後評估整體滿意度以D校4項最高,各校比較則以「充足的教育設備」滿意度排序第1,「學校建築特色」次之。 This study is aimed at the Post Occupancy Evaluation for the New School of New Taipei Municipality in the past ten years. After the POE(post occupancy evaluation) questionnaire survey and interviews with the principal and director of general affairs office of new school, the following items can be understood: 1.Whether the items of POE and the educational requirements are consistent will be understood of 9 new schools in New Taipei Municipality in the past ten years. 2.Compare the data of all levels of the 9 new schools in New Taipei City in the past ten years. 3.Find out the common problems of new schools during the construction and propose solutions. 4.Compare the green building indicator between the 9 new schools. The questionnaire of the study was compiled according to the Elementary School Post-occupancy Evaluation scale by Preiser W. F. E., Rabinowitz H. Z. and White E. T. It was edited into three questionnaires for different identities(students, teachers and parents). There are 870 students, 320 teachers, and 180 parents who were the samples of the research object. Withdraw the questionnaire are 850 students, 304 teachers, and 177 parents and the valid samples are 821 students, 281 teachers, and 167 parents. The total quantity are 1269. The main findings are listed as follows after the statistical data of the questionnaires, and analysis by percentage, standard deviation, single factor variance, chi-square test, and Interview with school staff. 1.The items of POE and the educational requirements are consistent. 2.There is significant difference exists in gender and identity of the POE survey analysis. 3.The item of “Educational Adequacy” is most satisfied in the POE survey, the times of “Support Area” is dissatisfied. 4.There are 8 common problems of new school during construction, the most serious one is “frequent personnel replacement”, the next is “difficult to make a consensus among school staff, design unit and construction unit. 5.The longest history for preparation is school D, the next is school A. school B has the 8 common problems, school C and school F has only one common problem. There are 4 items satisfaction for school D. The item of “Educational Adequacy” is listed 1st position in 9 new schools, the item of “Building Features” is the next one. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 學校行政碩士在職專班 100911017 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100911017 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MESA.012.2018.F02 |
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