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Title: | 網路戰與國家安全 —以美國網際空間策略為例 Cyber Warfare and National Security - US Cyberspace Strategy |
Authors: | 莊凱婷 Chuang, Kai-Ting |
Contributors: | 姜家雄 Jiang, Jia-Xiong 莊凱婷 Chuang, Kai-Ting |
Keywords: | 網路戰 網際空間 國家安全 網路作戰 網路衝突 網路力 Cyber warfare Cyberspace National security Network operation Cyber conflict Cyber power |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-09-03 16:00:00 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 網路空間(Cyberspace)是由網際網路(Internet)所構連而成的虛擬空間,網路力(Cyber Power),係指在網際空間中的權力,而網路戰爭(Cyber Warfare)則是在這空間所發生的戰爭,國際社會對於網際空間所發生的網路戰爭定義不一,網路戰為一種威懾性較強的作戰方式,不論是金融體系、媒體或是重大公共設施,均可透過網際空間,殲敵於瞬間。網路戰是一種低損耗、高效能的力量,可以最小犧牲獲得最大效益。國家或是組織將透過網際空間將使其軍事力量得到極強的優勢。儘管現今的戰爭型態已不同於過往,戰爭的目的仍是要求得勝利,即使隨著戰爭型態的不同而在戰略的決策上有所差異,這些策略的考量卻都會直接影響問題解決的效率。 網際網路深入日常生活,將一切串聯成高度便利性的環境的同時,也將個人、團體、國家等安全成正比例地高度暴露。網際空間漸被各國定義為新興戰場,這個虛擬空間與實體空間的緊密鏈結,正隨著科技快速發展與散播,促成權力快速擴散,帶給全球權力平衡強大的衝擊。 本論文將探討自網路空間發展以來,網路戰與國家安全的關係為何?並以美國網際空間策略為探討案例,以了解在高科技與複雜環境下,身為世界主要強權的美國如何因應國家安全與民主自由的衡量權重,在頻繁不斷的網路衝突中,如何維持國家安全又能避免引發毀滅性的實體軍事戰爭。 Cyberspace is a virtual space built by the Internet. Cyber Power refers to power in cyberspace, while Cyber Warfare is In the wars that take place in this space, the international community has different definitions of cyber warfare in cyberspace. Cyber warfare is a deterrent mode of warfare, whether it is the financial system, the media, or major public facilities. Through the cyberspace, you are enemies in an instant. Cyber warfare is a low-loss, high-performance force that can achieve maximum benefit with minimal sacrifice. The state or organization will give its military strength a strong advantage through cyberspace. Although today`s war patterns are different from the past, the purpose of war is still to demand victory. Even if there are differences in strategic decision-making with different war patterns, the consideration of these strategies will directly affect the efficiency of problem solving. The Internet is deeply rooted in daily life, and everything is connected in a highly convenient environment. At the same time, individuals, groups, countries and other security are highly exposed in a proportional manner. The cyberspace is gradually defined by countries as an emerging battlefield. The tight link between this virtual space and the physical space is rapidly spreading and spreading with technology, which promotes the rapid spread of power and brings a powerful impact on the global balance of power. This paper will explore the relationship between cyber warfare and national security since the development of cyberspace. The US cyberspace strategy is used as a case study to understand how the United States, as the world’s major power, responds in high-tech and complex environments. The weight of national security and democratic freedom, in the frequent cyber conflicts, how to maintain national security and avoid devastating physical military wars. |
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