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    Title: 臺灣北部地區高級中等學校校長關係領導指標建構之研究
    The Study on the Construction of Indicators for Relational Leadership of Senior High School Principals in Northern Taiwan
    Authors: 劉力瑋
    Liou, Li-Wei
    Contributors: 陳榮政
    Chen, Robin J.
    Liou, Li-Wei
    Keywords: 校長領導
    Principal leadership
    Relationship leadership
    Fuzzy delphi method
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-09-03 15:59:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在建構一個符合我國北部地區高級中等學校組織現況之校長關係領導指標,並確立高級中等學校校長關係領導指標之權重體系,以作為校長領導學校組織與提升組織成員關係品質之參考。本研究以熟悉學校行政領導相關領域、曾撰寫校長領導相關研究專書論文之專家學者以及具有豐富領導實務經驗、學校領導能力受肯定之北部地區高級中等學校校長共計15人作為研究對象。在指標發展上,首先透過對國內外關係領導相關文獻與研究之探討,初擬我國北部地區高級中等學校校長關係領導指標,再藉由適切性評估專家問卷,綜合8位學者專家校長之修正意見後加以修改,接著邀請15位專家學者與校長組成模糊德菲法專家小組,蒐集專家對於高級中等學校校長關係領導指標之重要程度意見,選取合適之指標、確認指標架構並計算指標之權重,據以建構「臺灣北部地區高級中等學校校長關係領導指標」。根據研究結果與分析,歸納其內涵架構包含四大層面,依其重要性排序分別為「建立互動共創意義」、「善盡關係聯繫責任」、「解構上下權力關係」、「實踐組織開放對話」,共涵蓋8個向度、33項細部指標。
    This study is to construct the Relational Leadership of Senior High School Principals in Northern Taiwan, and thereby to confirm the weight system of these indicators. Following the Fuzzy Delphi method, fifteen experts, including researchers in Relational Leadership and Senior High School Principals who had extensive experience in education, were selected to answer questionnaires to develop the performance criteria. Initially, a framework of the questionnaire had been developed for the Relational Leadership Indicators of principals in Senior High School via global research analyses in Relational Leadership of principals. And then, the Fuzzy Delphi Process Team, composed of fifteen scholars in education fields and principals, was invited to offer opinions on these indicators of principals in Senior High School, as well as the selection and weighting, and accordingly construct the Relational Leadership Indicators of Senior High School Principals in Northern Taiwan. The Relational Leadership indicators consist of four dimensions, " Creating Interaction and Meaning", " Responsibility for Relationships", "Deconstructing Power ", and " Open Dialogues", which cover eight units and thirty-three elements.
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