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    政大機構典藏 > 法學院 > 法律學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/119920
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    Title: 清代役食制度新探 ——以乾隆四十六年《欽定戶部則例》為例
    A legal perspective of Yi-Shi system in Qing Dynasty —Exemplified by Qianlong’s Regulation of Ministry of Revenue
    Authors: 廖珊儀
    Liao, Shan-Yi
    Contributors: 陳惠馨
    Chen, Hwei-Syin
    Liao, Shan-Yi
    Keywords: 吏役
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-09-03 15:53:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文以乾隆朝《欽定戶部則例》為中心,研究清代的役食制度,「役」為人役,「食」為工食銀之簡稱,根據《欽定戶部則例》卷九十四與九十五,人役的種類根據衙門可分為卷九十四廩祿-公費月銀中「在京各衙門役食」「陵寢各衙門役食」「各省役食」以及卷九十五廩祿-公費月銀下「織造各衙門役食」「鹽政各衙門役食」「鈔關各衙門役食」「役食免扣荒缺」,為免文章篇幅過鉅,且欲與過往的研究進行對話,本文將研究範圍限縮在「在京各衙門役食」與「各省役食」的順天府、直隸省、山西省、福建省,以此內容為中心,輔以《大清會典》《大清會典事例》《欽定吏部處分則例》《欽定六部處分則例》《大清律例》等清代法規範分析役食制度,從人役的種類、職權的多樣性以及各省、各衙門工食銀法條用語的不同,觀察中央各衙門及地方各省之關係,最後,並將當代台灣的警察、工友、約聘僱人員與清代役食制度比對,發現約聘僱人員與役食制度最為相像。
    This dissertation focuses on the Qing dynasty`s "Regulation of Ministry of Revenue " as the center to study the Qing Dynasty`s Yi-Shi system. The "Yi" means the runners. "Shi" is the abbreviation of Gongshiyin, which means salary of runners, according to the " Regulation of Ministry of Revenue. " In the 94th and 95th of the Regulation, the type of runners can be divided into some categories which are “Yi-Shi of Yamen in Beijing”, “Yi-Shi of Yamen in Mausoleum.”, “Yi-Shi of Yamen in each Province”, “Yi-Shi of Silk-Factory Yamen”, “Yi-Shi of Salt-Governing Yamen ”, “Yi-Shi of Banknote Yamen”, and “Yi-Shi of freedom from buckling.” In order to avoid overwriting articles, and want to conduct dialogues with previous research, this article will limit the study scope to “Yi-Shi of Yamen in Beijing” and “Yi-Shi of Yamen in each Province”, which takes Shuntian Prefecture, Zhili Province, Shanxi Province, and Fujian Province for example. Supplemented by the Qing Dynasty Code, the Qing Dynasty Code of Conduct, the Rules of Punishment for the Punishment of the Ministry of the Qing Dynasty, the Order of the Six Ministries of Punishment, and the Qing Code of Qing Dynasty to analyze the system of Yi-Shi. From the diversity of types of personnel, the diversity of duties and powers, and the differences between the provinces and every Yamen, the article examine the relationship between central and local government offices in each of the provinces. Finally, compared with Taiwanese police, workers, about Contracted-Employer and Yi-Shi system of the Qing Dynasty comparison, this dissertation found that about Contracted-Employer and Yi-Shi system are most similar.
    The first chapter will explain the motivation of the study, a historical review of the previous studies, and will use the perspective of law as a research method to discuss the service system. The second chapter begins with the “Regulation of Ministry of Revenue” and discusses its law in the Qing Dynasty. The positioning of the system is followed by the structure of the service food system in the “Linlumen-public fees and the money of per month”, and it discusses its bureaucratic system. Finally, it is from the perspective of the Hermeneutics. The definition of "runner" and "salary" and the background of relevant laws and regulations. The third chapter begins with a discussion of the “laws and regulations in the various gates of Beijing” in the “Regulation of Ministry of Revenue.” Due to the length of space, this article selects Shuntian, Zhili, Shanxi, and Fujian as representatives, in addition to discussing the features of their own terms, A comparative analysis of the central and local methodological norms was also used. Finally, the three provinces were compared and analyzed. The fifth chapter compares the Yi-Shi system with the modern police, workers, and hiring system, and finds the same or different places. The sixth chapter is the conclusion and future of the thesis.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1036510622
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.LAW.025.2018.F10
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