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    Title: 刑事偵查「第三人原則」與「隱私之合理期待」─以偵查機關向網路服務提供者調取非內容性通訊資料為例
    ‘’Third Party Doctrine’’and ‘’Reasonable Expectation of Privacy’’ ─ The Law Enforcement`s Acquisition of Non-Content Communication from Internet Service Providers.
    Authors: 陳妏瑄
    Chen, Wun-Syuan
    Contributors: 何賴傑
    He, Lai-Jier
    Keywords: 非內容性通訊資料
    Non-content communication
    Third-Party doctrine
    Reasonable eXpectation of privacy
    Voluntary disclosure of information
    Use restrictions
    Quantitative privacy
    The Mosaic theory
    LEATPR standards
    Interpersonal privacy
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-09-03 15:53:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著資訊科技設備彙整、分析數據的能力逐漸成形,「非內容性通訊資料」的使用價值逐步提升,足以描繪個人完整生活圖像而成為偵查取證的指向,反映在取證問題上,如何平衡犯罪訴追與被告、犯罪嫌疑人隱私權保障,即是法律所面臨的極大挑戰。本文為了釐清我國通保法規範通信紀錄內涵的妥適性,由通保法所保障之「合理隱私期待」角度切入,就偵查機關向網路服務提供者調取非內容性通訊資料的議題,納入「網路服務提供者」與「非內容性通訊資料」元素後,刑事偵查中被告「合理隱私期待」之保障範圍應透過哪些「要素」作為判準。基此,「合理隱私期待」既為我國繼受美國法制觀點所生概念,故借助美國法院實務與學理之發展,作為議題討論之方向。

    Nowadays, science and technology are making huge strides every day. The ability of collecting and analyzing data is taking shape. The value of "non-content communication " has gradually increased, which is enough to depict a complete life image of a person. Finally, it becomes the target of the law enforcement agency to collect evidence. How to balance the goal of chasing crime and defending the defendant’s privacy is the great challenge. In order to clarify the appropriateness of the Taiwan’s Communication Security and Surveillance Act about regulating non-content communication, this article discussed from the perspective of "reasonable expectation of privacy " guaranteed by Communication Security and Surveillance Act. After joining ‘’internet service providers’’ and ‘’non-content communication’’ in the issue of the law enforcement`s acquisition of non-content communication from internet service providers, what new elements would be in the reasonable expectation of privacy in criminal investigation is really a difficult question. In the view of the "reasonable expectation of privacy " is not only the concept of Taiwan`s legal system, but also the development of the US court practice and academics. Therefore, this article based on the foundation of American law perspective.

    In the case of collecting evidence through a third party, deeply influenced by the Third-Party Doctrine of the United States. This article examined the historical contex and dilemma of theoretical application of Third-Party Doctrine. Trying to correct this principle through various methodologies proposed by theory and practice. Reanalyzing and reviewing the "subjective" and "objective" aspects of "reasonable expectation of privacy " and proposing new elements for reference, thereby rethinking the legal norms of Taiwan`s Communication Security and Surveillance Act about regulating non-content communication.
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    14. 李惠宗(2008),裁判書上網公開與個人資訊自決權的衝突,月旦法學雜誌,第154期,頁21-34。
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    52. 蕭奕弘(2012),論個人資料保護法的法制性問題,成大法學,23期,頁141-191。
    三、 碩論
    1. 鍾孝宇(2017),巨量資料與隱私權─個人資料保護機制的再思考,國立政治大學法律學系碩士班論文。
    2. 錢世傑(2002),網路通訊監察法制與相關問題研究,中原大學財經法律學系碩士學位論文。
    3. 張本立(2012),資訊時代下個人資料保護法益之研究─以我國個人資料保護法為中心,台灣大學科際整合法律學研究所碩士論文。
    四、 其他資料
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     司法院官網,http://www.judicial.gov.tw/juds/
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     行政院官網,智慧聯網https://www.bost.ey.gov.tw/News_Content.aspx?n=FDCD0AE1B7596F11&sms=8470D4E99B0FB08E&s=E20C76D2B1B65345
     薛智仁(2018),GPS跟監、隱私權與刑事法─評最高法院106年度台上字第3788號刑事判決,第二屆《公法學與刑事法學之交錯》研討會,中原大學財經法律學系主辦,2018年03月16日。
     黃哲翰,數位利維坦君臨的前夕,端傳媒,2016年06月17日:https://theinitium.com/article/20160617-opinion-huangdschergan-digital/
     關貿第46期電子報,巨量資料新生活:http://www.tradevan.com.tw/wpm/DownloadFiles/07-Finance/report/1400205067726.pdf
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1036510581
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.LAW.027.2018.F10
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