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Title: | 多元宗教市場下的本土新興教團—唯心聖教個案研究 The Development of Indigenous New Religious Organizations in the Plural Religious Market—A Study of Weixin Shengjiao |
Authors: | 劉秀宜 Liu, Hsiu-Yi |
Contributors: | 蔡源林 Tsai, Yuan-Lin 劉秀宜 Liu, Hsiu-Yi |
Keywords: | 台灣本土新興宗教團體 唯心聖教 改宗 卡里斯瑪魅力 社會文化功能 宗教市場理論 Taiwanese indigenous new religious organizations Weixin Shengjiao Conversion Charisma Social and cultural functions Religious market theory |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-09-03 15:51:03 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究主要為了探討台灣解嚴以後,朝向自由且高度多元化的社會發展,台灣本土新興宗教團體在此社會中如何成功發展,並以近幾年開始興起的唯心聖教為例。首先是探討唯心聖教如何吸引信徒入教,在其中又根據該教領導者—混元禪師的卡里斯瑪魅力與信徒教內的人際網絡做更進一步的分析。接著,了解唯心聖教在發展過程中,提供哪些宗教產品,及這些產品對信徒產生的改變與滿足效果,以分析該教所達到的社會文化功能。最後,以宗教市場理論所提供的概念作為分析工具,了解唯心聖教發展過程所受的外部影響。透過以這些不同角度切入分析,探討唯心聖教在台灣社會的發展模式。 根據上述的問題,本研究依序做了相關研究的文獻回顧,包含改宗、魅力型領袖、社會文化功能、宗教市場理論等,並以參考唯心聖教出版的相關文物及訪談21位該教信徒所蒐集來的資料作研究分析。有關唯心聖教信徒的入教動機可分為問題型、學習型、靈性經驗型與人際網絡型信徒。其中,混元禪師的卡里斯瑪魅力與信徒教內的人際網絡不一定是影響信徒加入該教的關鍵因素,但是不可或缺的條件之一。而有關於唯心聖教所提供的宗教產品,最足以代表的非易經與風水法門莫屬,這套法門的實用性、靈驗性等對信徒的生活產生許多正面影響。不過,除了易經與風水之外,唯心聖教也以其他在華人宗教信仰中常見的元素滿足信徒的需求,所以有些信徒繼續想待在該教的原因跟易經與風水無關。 另外,如同宗教市場理論所說,唯心聖教是在解嚴以後,無受到政府管制時才開始擴大朝制度性的組織發展。而且根據本研究界定台灣市場區位的標準來看,唯心聖教隨著時間發展,在台灣的宗教市場區位軸線上的移動軌跡,初期從低張力往高張力發展獲得高度的知名度,接著又因著組織擴大發展逐漸降低了與社會的張力。此外,唯心聖教所吸收的信徒過去大多是以民間信仰為主,而該教所提供的宗教概念有很多與民間信仰相似,但是其中還提供易經與風水這套法門。這些因素讓唯心聖教得以進入民間信仰的市場區位,不僅提供融合華人傳統信仰的宗教元素,也有課程可以學習易經與風水。因此,唯心聖教找到一個可以發展的利基市場,吸引了民間信仰區位當中對學習易經與風水有興趣或有需求的信眾,透過滿足這個小眾市場成功在台灣的宗教市場中繼續發展。 This research explores how indigenous new religious organizations have successfully developed in the free and highly plural religious environment of post-martial law Taiwan by taking the example of Weixin Shengjiao. This thesis starts with exploring how Weixin Shengjiao attracted its followers, and further analyzes the impacts of its charismatic leader, Grand Master Hun Yuan, and its social network on the followers. Next, this thesis investigates the religious products Weixin Shengjiao provides during the process of its institutional development, and how these products affect its followers, satisfy their religious needs, and fulfill the social and cultural functions of this religious group. Lastly, the concepts of religious market theory are adopted to analyze the influence of the external factors during the development of Weixin Shengjiao. These perspectives explain the distinctive ways that Weixin Shengjiao evolves within the Taiwanese society. In accordance to the above issues, my literature review discusses key concepts including ‘conversion,’ ‘charismatic leader,’ ‘social and cultural function(s),’ and ‘religious market theory.’ The main research data consist of publications from Weixin Shengjiao and the 21 in-depth interviews of Weixin Shengjiao believers. The latter show the four major types of motivations for initially joining: problem-solving, doctrines-learning, personal religious experience, and social network. The charisma of Grand Master Hun Yuan and the social network within Weixin Shengjiao, though not the key reasons for these followers to join, are crucial conditions. The most typical religious products provided by Weixin Shengjiao are Yi Ching and Feng Shui, their practicality and efficacy having positive impacts on the followers’ lives. In addition to Yi Ching and Feng Shui, Weixin Shengjiao also provides other common Chinese religious components to satisfy its believers’ religious demands. Therefore, the reasons for some followers willing to stay and deeply committing in Weixin Shengjiao are unrelated to Yi Ching and Feng Shui. The influence of the external factors during the development of Weixin Shengjiao corresponds with the proposition of religious market theory. After the lifting of martial law, in an environment free from religious regulations imposed by the Taiwanese government, Weixin Shengjiao started its expansion and institutionalization. According to the criteria of market niches as defined in this thesis, Weixin Shengjiao moved from low to high tension in the beginning of its organizational development and attracted a wider attention. Then, because of this organizational expansion, its tension with the outside society gradually lowered. Furthermore, most of the believers who joined Weixin Shengjiao were originally practicing Chinese folk beliefs. Weixin Shengjiao provides many religious concepts common in the Chinese folk religion. However, their teachings on Yi Ching and Feng Shui are rare amongst other religious groups. This enables Weixin Shengjiao to enter the market niche of the Chinese folk religion and not only provides the religious components of Chinese traditions, but also offers a systematic course to learn Yi Ching and Feng Shui. As a result, Weixin Shengjiao finds a niche market to develop and grow by attracting the people who are in the market niche of Chinese folk religion and also interested in Yi Ching and Feng Shui. This well explains the sustained development of Weixin Shengjiao in the Taiwanese religious market. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 宗教研究所 104156002 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104156002 |
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DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.GIRS.007.2018.A03 |
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