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    Title: 以監理有效性及透明性檢討我國保險監理—以保險業裁罰案件為中心
    Reviewing Insurance Regulation in Taiwan with Regulatory Effectiveness and Transparency
    Authors: 徐聿芊
    Hsu, Yu-Chien
    Contributors: 陳俊元
    Chen, Chun-Yuan
    Hsu, Yu-Chien
    Keywords: 保險監理
    Insurance regulation
    Regulatory transparency
    Regulatory effectiveness
    Insurance sanction
    Administrative sanction
    Empirical research
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-09-03 15:48:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究以提升監理有效性之角度為出發點,透過比較法研究及實證分析,釐清我國保險業裁罰現況並提供改進建議。根據2015年之統計資料,金融監督管理委員會對金融業科處之罰鍰,有超過80%來自於保險業,對保險業而言實為沈重負擔,業者也希望能有更明確、更符合比例原則、更有效之方法以提升監理效率並降低裁罰金額。
    Based on the perspective of improving the effectiveness of supervision, this study uses comparative analysis and empirical research to clarify the current situation of insurance industry in Taiwan and propose suggestions. According to the statistics data in 2015, more than 80% of the fines imposed by the Financial Supervisory Commission are from the insurance companies, which caused a heavy burden. Insurerance companies also hopes to have a clearer, more consistent, and more effective methods to improve the efficiency of insueance regulation and reduce the amount of administrative fine.
    First, this study will discuss the purpose and mechanisms of insurance regulation, and understand the concept of regulatory effectiveness and transparency with approach of comparative analysis. Then, this study will collect and analyze the enforcement cases during 2012-2016 related to insurers` administrative sanctions to summarize the existing situation of insurance sanctions and explore the transparency and effectiveness of insurance regulation with empirical analysis and propose possible reformation.
    Finally, this study suggests to establish a consistent, fair and transparent sanctional standard to not only allow penalized companies to understand the reasons and criteria adopted by the authority but also assist the authority to establish a coherent sanctional model.
    Reference: 中文部分
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104358018
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.RMI.011.2018.F08
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