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Title: | 行動直播平台經營模式之研究 A Study of Business Models of Live Streaming Platforms |
Authors: | 楊以凡 Yang, I-Fan |
Contributors: | 吳豐祥 Wu, Feng-Shang 楊以凡 Yang, I-Fan |
Keywords: | 直播平台 經營模式 商業模式 直播 行動直播 平台經營 Live streaming platform Live broadcast Business model Mobile live streaming |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-08-29 16:03:08 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著行動裝置的普及與網路品質的提升,使用行動設備不受時間、地點所限制地觀看線上影音媒體與社群網站,儼然已為現今台灣民眾生活中不可或缺的生活休閒重心,而直播平台更是近年新興的影音娛樂平台。根據2017年勤業眾信聯合會計師事務所發佈之產業趨勢預測報告指出,2018年的線上串流直播(Live-Streaming)收益預計將達74億美元,相較2017年增長47%,而台灣的直播產業更是在2016年下半年多個行動直播平台陸續成立之後,產值快速提升至超過100億新台幣。台灣最大的行動直播平台「17直播」,2017年營收超過20億新台幣,且於2018年向美國紐約交易所提出IPO上市申請。 為了探究直播平台如何經營與運作,以及直播平台在不同發展階段時其營運模式的改變情形,本研究結合九宮格商業模式之關鍵經營要素,以及平台經營管理的核心概念來設計研究架構。研究上選擇台灣最具代表性的兩個直播平台-「17直播」與「浪Live」,進行深入的個案研究。研究發現直播平台在經營初期,會先吸引直播主的加入並建立直播主與觀眾的基本互動機制;在後期則一方面會藉由相關活動與機制之設計,積極促進直播主與觀眾的互動;另一方面則會著重多元化與精緻化的內容之經營,將本身從單純媒合者轉變為內容供給者之角色。此外,直播平台也會透過培訓來提升直播主的能力與滿足知名度成長的需求。並且,也會採取彈性付費的打賞機制,以及針對收益主要貢獻用戶設計的防範機制,以確保平台的正面網路效應能持續運作。 本研究之價值在於同時結合商業模式的分析架構與平台經營管理上的重要核心概念,深入探討直播平台的經營模式,以及其於不同經營階段之變化。此外,本研究亦發現了一些直播平台不同於過往平台經營相關文獻所強調的特性,包括:「平台可能從原本單純媒合者而後來又扮演生產者的角色」、「平台的邊際用戶取得成本並不一定趨近於零」、「平台的負面網路效應可以『激化』而非『消除』的方式處裡」以及「平台的網路效應不僅會受其他用戶『數量』的影響;也會受其『質量』的影響」。 The live streaming platform has become an important emerging audio-visual entertainment platform in recent years. According to the industry report released by Deloitte, the revenue of global Live-Streaming in 2018 is expected to reach US$7.4 billion. Taiwan’s live broadcast industry rapidly increased its revenue to over NT$10 billion after the establishment of many live streaming platforms in the second half of 2016. Taiwan`s largest mobile live streaming platform, "17 Live", generated more than NT$2 billion in revenue in 2017, and filed for IPO with the New York Stock Exchange in 2018. In order to explore how the live platform operates, and how the business model of the live streaming platform changes in different stages of development, this study combines Business Model Canvas with the core concepts of platform management to design the conceptual framework. After an in-depth study of the two most representative live streaming platform cases in Taiwan, "17 Live" and "Lang Live", this study found that the live streaming platform first attracts streamers and establishs the basic interaction mechanism between streamers and audiences. After that, platforms design related activities and mechanisms to facilitate the interaction between the streamer and the audience actively. Also, platforms focus on the management of diversified and refined content, and changes the role of the platform from a simple mediator to a content provider. In addition, the live streaming platform will also try to enhance of the streamers’ ability and reputation through training. Moreover, the platforms will adopt the flexible charging mechanism of "gift donation" and the prevention mechanism designed for the main users of revenue, to ensure the positive network effect. One of the study’s major comtributions is to find that the live streaming platform processes some characteristics, which are different from those emphasized in the previous platform management literature, including "the platform role may change from a mediator to a producer " "the platform marginal user obtaining cost may not be close to zero" "the platform may use "intensifying" rather than "eliminating" way to deal with the negative network effect" and "the network effect of platforms is not only affected by the "number" of other usersbut also by their"quality". . |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 105364104 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105364104 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.TIIPM.020.2018.F08 |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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