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    Title: 永續農業經營組織之研究-以領導人特質為論述中心
    Study On Organizations Of Sustainable Agriculture Management - Focusing On Leadership
    Authors: 廖國柱
    Liao, Kuo-Chu
    Contributors: 顏愛靜
    Liao, Kuo-Chu
    Keywords: 永續農業
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-29 15:57:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 永續農業的基礎,在於健康的土地。我國從事永續農業者以小農居多,然而當小農面臨資源稀缺以及農業技術不足之困境,即影響其繼續從事永續農業之意願,為延續永續農業經營之發展,以組織型態集結眾人之力便具有重要意義。領導人是組織經營之核心人物,其領導力或動員組織群體之溝通協調能力,是否積極對外尋求資源以拓展經濟規模、充實農業知識等,均與領導人個人特質有正向之關聯。其中,五大人格模式(Big-Five Model)對預測領導人之人格特質具有相當準確性,因此本研究選定全國五個永續農業組織領導人,透過問卷深度訪談與參與式觀察等研究方法,藉由五大人格模式探析農業組織領導人人格特質對組織發展的影響以及找出除了五大人格特質外,其他足以影響組織發展之人格特質。最後期藉本研究提供建議給政府,找出最適宜農民或者當作培育人才之參考,邁向農業永續經營發展之目標。
    Healthy land is the foundation to the sustainable agriculture. In our country, most of the persons who are engaged in the sustainable agriculture are peasants; however, when the peasants are experienced in the shortage of resources and the insufficiency of agricultural technology, it will affect their willingness in doing the sustainable agriculture. Therefore, to continue developing the management of sustainable agriculture, it will be of significance to gather power from people by the organization type. A leader is a key person in the organization management; his or her leadership or ability of communication and coordination to mobilize the organization group, and whether he or she can seek out for resources aggressively to expand the economics of scale and to collect the agricultural knowledge are all correlated to the personal characters of the leader. As the big-five model is very accurate in predicting the personalities of the leader, this research has chosen five leaders in the sustainable agriculture organizations to investigate the effect of the personalities of the leaders in the sustainable agriculture organizations to the development of the organizations using the big-five model, through deep interviews and observation by participation. In addition to finding out the big five personalities, this research also investigates other personalities that may affect the development of the organizations. Finally, it is expected that by this research, recommendations can be provided to the government as a reference most suitable for the peasants or for the breeding of manpower, thereby marching toward the goal of sustainable management and development of agriculture.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104923029
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MPLE.006.2018.A05
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