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Title: | 對政府內部控制聲明書之認知—以退還超徵稅收之決策為例 Perceptions of governmental management report of internal control: an example of the decision to payback tax revenue in excess of the budget amount |
Authors: | 沈宛萱 Shen, Wan-Hsuan |
Contributors: | 馬秀如 Ma, Siou-Ru 沈宛萱 Shen, Wan-Hsuan |
Keywords: | 內部控制 退還超徵稅收決策 政府內部控制聲明書 Internal control The decision to payback tax revenue in excess of the budget amount Governmental management report of internal control |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-08-29 15:47:12 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 公開發行公司已實施內部控制聲明書制度多年,近年政府亦要求各級機關、學校自2017年起應全面簽署政府內控聲明書。 本研究以「退還超徵稅收」決策為例,同時探討閱讀者對機關(財政部)揭露之特定資訊(爭議澄清資訊),以及對機關(財政部)運作之概括性資訊─內部控制聲明書,兩種資訊之認知。 本研究經文獻探討後,設計問卷進行調查。首先探討閱讀者對個案之態度是否受本研究設計之中央路徑資訊影響發生改變,再探討對現行出具之政府內部控制聲明書之以下認知:能否提昇作業效能和現行聲明書內容之問題(包含:擔保用字、風險範圍及簽署人)。本研究另探討閱讀者的不同背景是否影響對該決策的態度改變幅度及聲明書風險範圍之答案。 本研究之結論與建議有五,第一,閱讀中央路徑資訊後,受測者態度有顯著改變,建議政府應針對不同受眾,同時提供不同路徑資訊,增進溝通效果。第二,超過半數閱讀者認為出具政府內控聲明書可提升機關作業效能。第三,聲明書擔保用語應一致,且多數受測者認為「確保」較適宜,擔保程度較高;第四,建議刪除政府內控聲明書風險範圍但書句,否則易造成閱讀者認知混淆,第五,研究發現閱讀者對機關首長、內控召集人及執行內部稽核業務者之人有更高的責任認知而簽暑內控聲明書,但由於目前行政機關多由副首長一人兼任內控召集人和內部稽核,考量推動內控效果,建議應設置專責內部稽核單位,並由機關首長擔任推動內控召集人。 Public companies have adopted the system of issuing managements` report of internal control (MRIC) for years in Taiwan. The government has recently asked public sectors to issue GMRIC (governmental management report of internal control) as well since fiscal year 2017. This research chooses the decision about "Payback Tax Revenue in Excess of the Budget Amount" as an example, aiming to understand the perception of readers after reading two kinds of information: the information to clarify the dispute (specific information), and the GMRIC (general information). Both are provided by the authority concerned, the Ministry of Finance. This research via literature reviews to conduct questionnaire survey to collect and analyze data. The main perceptions are as follows: 1. Whether the readers’ attitudes change after reading the information of central route to persuasion. 2. Whether the GMRICs improve effectiveness of the government. 3. Which Chinese phrase should be used to guarantee the effectiveness of internal control in GMRIC. 4. What the perceptions readers have when reading the sentence which restricts the guaranteed areas of risk in GMRIC. 5. Who should sign the GMRIC based on their positions and duties. The results are as follows: 1. After reading the information of central route to persuasion, readers’ attitudes toward the dispute will be affected and change. 2. Over half of reader regard issuing GMRICs can improve effectiveness of the government. 3. The phrases, which are used to guarantee the effectiveness of internal control in GMRIC should be consistent. This research suggests using the Chinese phase 「確保」because readers regard it higher degree of guarantee. 4. The sentence which restricts the guaranteed areas of risk in GMRIC should delete because most readers often misunderstand the scope of responsibility on internal control due to the restriction. 5. This research finds readers regard 3 positions higher responsibility to sign GMRIC: the head of executive, the position who promotes internal control system, and the position who performs internal audit function than the deputy of executive. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計學系 104353113 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104353113 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.ACCT.042.2018.F07 |
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