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    Title: 北金峰鄉排灣語形態句法—以指示語為研究核心
    Aspects of the morphosyntax of North Jinfeng Paiwan - with a focus on deixis
    Authors: 黃鈺閔
    Huang, Yu-Min
    Contributors: 戴智偉
    De Busser, Rik
    Huang, Yu-Min
    Keywords: 排灣語
    Descriptive grammar
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-29 15:46:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文為北金峰鄉排灣語的形態句法描述,並以指示語為研究之核心。所有語料皆採集自九次的短期田野調查,而每次的田野調查平均為期兩週。田野地點包含了正興村 (sinapayan)、嘉蘭村 (kaʔaluan) 以及新興村 (sapulju)。
    在音韻方面,本文探討了音素、音節以及重音;在構詞方面,本文闡述如何定義及分類各種語素與詞類;在論元結構方面,本文針對述語、論元進行了概述,探討語態系統如何運作論元之排列模式。根據句法構詞特徵,本論文對名詞及動詞作了分類,並探討名詞組及動詞組結構之修飾語。本文的核心——指示語 (deixis),將分為人稱代名詞、指示詞 (demonstrative) 及表達空間與時間之結構,進行系統性之探究。本文的最後為結論與未來研究方向之建議。
    This thesis is a morphological description of Paiwan as spoken in the north of Jinfeng Township, with a focus on deictic expressions. The field locations include sinapayan ‘Zhengxing village’, kaʔaluan ‘Jialan village’ and sapulju ‘Xinxing village’. All data are collected in nine short periods of my field research, each of which lasted for two weeks on average.
    In the discussion of phonology, phonemes, syllable structure and stress are covered. As for morphology, this thesis discusses how morphemes and lexical items are defined and classified. Concerning argument structure, this thesis gives an overview of predicates, arguments and discusses how voice system operates argument alignment. Based on morphosyntactic features, this thesis presents a classification on nouns and verbs and the constituent elements of noun phrase and verb phrase. As the core part, deictic markers are investigated systematically in this thesis, which include personal pronouns, demonstratives and spatiotemporal constructions. The conclusion and suggestions for future research are given in the final.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1035550101
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.GIL.002.2018.A07
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