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    Title: 論日本民眾對憲法第九條修正案的態度轉變
    Why the Japanese people change their attitude toward Article 9?
    Authors: 陳鏡羽
    Chen, Ching-Yu
    Contributors: 薛健吾
    Hsueh, Chien-Wu
    Chen, Ching-Yu
    Keywords: 日本憲法第九條
    Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution
    Constitutional amendment
    Public opinion
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-27 15:11:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究的目的在於分析近年來日本民眾對於日本憲法第九條修正案的態度轉變原因。相關的文獻大多討論憲法修正案的可能影響以及憲法修正案的可行性,較少將重點放在解釋日本民眾意見的變化上,本文試圖在這個部分作出貢獻。根據日本憲法的規定,修憲除了需要由各三分之二的參眾議員同意通過外,更需超過半數以上的民眾附議,因此民眾對於修憲的意見和支持程度至關重要。近年來,民眾對於憲法第九條的修正案出現了明顯的態度轉變,因此本研究將探討為何在近年來日本人民對於修憲的支持度逐漸增高。本文認為,由於近年來中國、韓國和美國的國際局勢開始出現變化,因此改變了日本人民心中的不安全感,所以影響了民意對於修憲的支持程度。
    This research presents the shifting public opinion of the Japanese population towards the article 9 of their constitution. Based on the literature gathered, most information focuses on the influence and feasibility of the constitutional amendment in Japan. Rather than focusing on such, this study offers a more inclusive analysis through concentrating on the public opinion or public’s voice. This matters as public opinion is a requirement of referendum for the constitutional amendments. According to the Japanese constitution, the constitutional amendment requires not only two-thirds of all the members of each House, also needs more than half of the public’s approval. Recently, the public’s opinion toward Article 9 has obviously changed. An inquiry on the public attitude changes from disagreeing to agreeing is highly significant. Thus, this research aims to elucidate why the approval rate increases in recent years. This research believes that the change of international situation in China, Korea, and the United States has made Japanese people feel more insecure, which influences the public opinion on supporting the constitutional amendment.
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