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    Title: 改革派還是激進派?台灣基本收入運動的論述與策略之研究
    Reformists or Radicals? A Study of the Discourse and Strategy of the Basic Income Movement in Taiwan
    Authors: 羅泰
    Prochazka, Tyler
    Contributors: 魏玫娟
    Wei, Mei-Chuan
    Prochazka, Tyler
    Keywords: 基本收入
    Basic income
    Universal basic income
    Unconditional basic income
    Social movements
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-27 15:05:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 無條件基本收入(UBI)是一種政府發放的現金補助,不包含財富檢查以及工作的條件。隨著收入越來越不平等,自動化和社會不穩定性的加速,UBI已成為全球認真考慮的解決方案。因為每一個國家的發達程度都不同,所以基本收入背後的考慮也都不一樣,從解決貧窮問題到簡化社會福利的官僚。到目前為止,亞太地區忽略基本收入的全球討論。由於其獨特的政治歷史和國際地位,台灣在全球 UBI 運動是一個值得研究的案例。在台灣的土地改革成功實行之後,這種從自然資源中平等分配紅利的觀念逐漸消失。 2016 年 7月,台灣正式加入最大的國際基本收入組織:基本收入全球網(Basic Income Earth Network)。從那時起,台灣的 UBI 活動人士就計較策略來促進台灣對基本收入的討論。台灣的基本收入活動人士分為強調可行性分析和實驗框架的改革論述,以及強調 UBI 道德價值觀的論述。儘管台灣人對基本收入的概念相對開放,但許多台灣人通過傳統社會福利的視角看待 UBI,並對台灣可以切實實施這一計劃持懷疑的態度。
    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a cash grant that contains no means test and no work requirement. With the acceleration of income inequality, automation, and precariousness, UBI has become a serious policy consideration around the world. Based on the level of development of the country, the considerations behind basic income are different, from solving poverty to simplifying welfare administration. Thus far, the Asia Pacific has largely been overlooked in the global basic income discussion. Taiwan poses an interesting case in the global UBI movement because of its unique political history and international status. After Taiwan’s successful land-reforms, this idea of equal division of dividends from natural resources gradually faded from public view. In July 2016, Taiwan officially joined the largest international basic income organization Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) as UBI Taiwan. Since that time, Taiwan’s activists have engaged in a multi-prong strategy to facilitate discussion of basic income. Taiwan’s basic income activists have been split between technical-based discourse, that emphasizes feasibility analysis and experimental frameworks, and a value-based discourse, that emphasizes the ethics of UBI. Despite relative openness to the basic income concept, many Taiwanese view basic income through the lens of traditional welfare and remain skeptical that Taiwan could feasibly implement such a scheme.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105926023
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.IMAS.011.2018.A07
    Appears in Collections:[International Program in Asia-Pacific Studies\n(IMAS/IDAS)] 學位論文

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