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Title: | 影響需用土地人達成協議價購因素之研究 A Study on the Determinants to the Success of Negotiation Purchase for Public Infrastructure with Land Demand |
Authors: | 張欣怡 Chang, Hsin-Yi |
Contributors: | 林左裕 Lin, Tsoyu Calvin 張欣怡 Chang, Hsin-Yi |
Keywords: | 協議價購 土地徵收 展望理論 稟賦效果 Negotiation purchase Land expropriation Prospect theory Endowment effect |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-08-27 14:57:26 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 國家基於公益需要興辦公共事業時,對於事業用地範圍內的私有土地必須辦理用地取得。協議價購與土地徵收,兩者皆為政府取得私有土地的方式,互有先後及替代關係,在憲法比例原則的意旨下,應優先採取協議價購的溫和方式取得私有土地,僅在無法達成協議時,最後才得以動用公權力以土地徵收方式取得私有土地。為減少土地徵收所產生的社會外部成本以及政府行政成本,期藉由協議價購與土地徵收的相互替代關係,以提高協議價購成功率的方式,從而相對降低土地徵收的比率。 本研究實證結果說明,協議價格與徵收價格之比率、議價空間、保證條款、估價師查估及地政單位相關協助等五個自變數具有顯著影響性。就迴歸分析顯示,當協議價格比徵收價格高時,因協議價格存在較多誘因,有助提升所有權人同意意願;當協議價格並非單一而具有彈性協商空間時,可能增加了雙方合意的區間範圍,因此協議價購的成功率較高;若協議價購契約訂有價格保證條款,可以免除所有權人擔心日後價金損失的風險,因此協議價購的成功率亦會較高;估價師所代表的公正第三方及估價專業性,有助提升所有權人對協議價格之信心程度;而地政單位提供相關行政協助,亦能間接提升協議價購成功率。因此,本研究建議,政府可於協議價購契約提供協議價格不低於徵收價格的保證條款,以增加協議誘因,並訂定合理彈性議價空間,賦予協議人員具有微調價格權力的制度,將協議市價委託不動產估價師查估,有助提升價格公信力,並且訂定獎勵機制提供需用土地人積極辦理協議價購作業的獎勵誘因。本研究希冀透過實證分析建議,期使協議價購成功率得以提升,並作為未來各界學術研究與政府研擬政策之參考。 When a state establishes a public infrastructure on the basis of public interest, the private land within the scope of the enterprise must be acquired. Both negotiation purchase and land expropriation are the methods for the government to acquire private land. They have the relationship of sequence and substitution. Under the intention of the principle of proportionality in Constitution, the acquisition of private land must be in a moderate manner as priority. Only when the agreement cannot be compromised, the land expropriation can be used to obtain the private land by using public power. In order to reduce the social external cost and government administration cost arising from the land expropriation, increasing the successful rate of negotiation purchase and decreasing the use of land expropriation is a better way of land acquisition. This study discovered these five dependent variables have significant impact: the ratio between negotiation purchase price and compensation of land expropriation、bargaining space、the warranty clause of negotiation purchase price is not lower than the compensation、assessed by the real estate valuers, and assistance from the land administration department. Based on regression analysis, when the price of negotiation purchase is higher than compensation of land expropriation, as the price of negotiation purchase has more incentives, which will increase the willingness of the landowners to sell their lands. When negotiation purchase is not just a signal price but is a fixable range, it may increase the range of agreement between both parties. If the contract of negotiation purchase has the warranty clause of negotiation purchase price is not lower than the compensation, it can eliminate the worry of monetary loss. In addition, the real estate valuers can also increase landowner’s confidence and assistance from the land administration department resulting in raising the success rates of negotiation purchase. This study suggests government offers the contract of negotiation purchase with warranty clause, which the price of negotiation purchase is not lower than the compensation. It also suggest that the government agrees on giving reasonable flexible range to negotiator and entrust the real estate valuer to set the price of negotiation purchase to increase public credibility. Furthermore, it also set up an incentive system for land demand. This study hopes to provide practical suggestions and analyses through different angles to increase the success rate of negotiation purchase and to be a reference to relative studies and government legislation. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政學系碩士在職專班 103923003 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1039230031 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MPLE.003.2018.A05 |
Appears in Collections: | [地政學系] 學位論文
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