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    題名: 回饋尋求類型會影響師徒功能嗎? 主管歸因之中介歷程與主管知覺情緒勞務策略之調節效果
    Do the types of feedback seeking affect mentoring support? the mediating effect of supervisor-attribution and moderating effect of perceived emotional labor
    作者: 蔡彰容
    Tsai, Chang-Jung
    貢獻者: 林姿葶
    Lin, Tzu-Ting
    Tsai, Chang-Jung
    關鍵詞: 回饋尋求行為
    Feedback seeking
    Emotional labor
    Proactive behavior
    日期: 2017
    上傳時間: 2018-08-27 14:44:13 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 隨著科技與全球化的發展,員工在組織中若無持續學習並增進表現,難以維持職場競爭力及取得職涯成功,於職場中透過回饋尋求來了解自身表現與他人對自身期待,已成為員工達成職涯成功的途徑,且此議題之重要性亦反應在文獻發展的趨勢上,過去對回饋的研究由部屬被動接受逐漸轉移到部屬主動尋求,因此回饋尋求行為可謂組織需重視之議題。然而,以往對於回饋尋求的研究多以部屬的觀點,強調影響部屬回饋尋求行為的因素以及回饋尋求為部屬帶來之效益,甚少以主管的觀點探討回饋尋求歷程,此外亦缺乏對回饋尋求內容之探討,因此本研究將探討部屬之回饋尋求內容類別對主管師徒支持提供之影響,試圖透過主管對部屬之動機歸因當作中介機制,並以主管知覺之情緒勞務為本研究之調節角色來了解整個回饋尋求歷程。本研究採用問卷調查法作為資料蒐集工具,共蒐集202對有效樣本,經由統計方法分析並檢驗研究假設後發現,部屬工作回饋尋求對主管之表現提升歸因有顯著的影響效果,主管的表現提升歸因對師徒功能中職涯功能的提供也有顯著的影響,另外,本研究並沒有發現主管動機歸因的中介效果以及之覺情緒勞務策略之調節效果,然而本研究在額外分析中發現,部屬的前瞻性行為能夠調節非工作回饋與印象管理之間的效果。最後本研究針對研究結果進行討論,並對理論貢獻、研究限制以及未來研究方向加以闡述。
    With the development of science, technology and globalization, it would be difficult for employees to maintain competitiveness and grow career success if they do not learn and improve their skills continuously. Feedback seeking has become a way for a person in workplace to understand their own performance and others’ expectations of their own. As the trend of literature development has shown, the topic about feedback is gradually transferred to focus on a more positive side. However, previous studies only emphasizing subordinate’s view of searching for feedback, only with little focus on superviser’s aspect of receiving feedback. In addition, previous research lack of the understanding about the content of feedback. This study will explore the impact subordinate’s feedback seeking behavior may have on the mentoring function which supervisor provide. Also, this study will manage supervisor’s attrinution as the mediating role between feedback seeking and mentoring, and test perceived emotional labor as a moderating role between feedback seeking and attribution. Questionnaire survey method and statistical methods were used to analyze and test the hypothesis. 202 pairs of effective data were analyzed by statistical methods and results show that subordinates’ work-related feedback had significant impact in predicting performance-enhancement attribution. Performance-enhancement a strong predictor on career mentoring function. This study did not find attribution and perceived emotional labor as mediator and moderator. However, additional analysis was done and shown that proactive behavior of subordinates can moderate the effect of non-work related feedback to impression management attribution. Finally, theoretical contributions, limitations of the study and suggestions for future research are discussed.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104752017
    資料類型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.PSY.015.2018.C01
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