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    Title: 關鍵字業務的賣字訣-一個智能配置取徑的分析
    Selling keywords: distributed intelligence approach
    Authors: 丁秋君
    Ting, Chiu-Chun
    Contributors: 陳百齡
    Chen, Pai-Lin
    Ting, Chiu-Chun
    Keywords: 搜尋引擎行銷
    Search engine marketing (SEM)
    Pay per click
    Keyword suggestion
    Distributed intelligence
    Thinking in action
    Digital footprints
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-27 14:34:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 數位時代,人人上網搜尋資料。關鍵詞是網路使用者檢索資料之後留下的數位足跡,通常表現為一長串數字。當代企業試圖從這些數字拼湊出消費者心像的版圖,從而即時找到商機。
    In the digital age, searching the internet for information is an experience shared by all. The keywords used for these searches are the digital footprints left behind after the desired information has been retrieved. The keywords are usually displayed as a long string of numbers. Modern enterprises try to put together and image of consumers based on these figures, in order to find business opportunities in real time.
    "Keyword experts" are a group of marketing professionals in contemporary society who rely on keyword advertising strategy for living. They collect and analyze web search engine user generated keywords for enterprise customers to make suggestions in order to design precision marketing.
    The current study aims to explore how keyword experts find and solve the problems to market keywords in everyday work and to abstract their skills and knowledge behind the scenes. Based on Distributed Intelligence Theory in cognitive science, the researcher considers the task of marketing keywords as a collaborative work involving the triangular relationship among data, information technologies and marketing teams. Case data is collected and established through interviews for further analysis.
    The essence of expertise is to articulate keywords to the perceived business opportunities from the keywords, and thus to construct discourse of campaign strategy. For this purpose, keyword experts must find meaningful lexical combinations from dynamic digital trends, and according to combinatorial patterns, explain the meaning of the keywords in marketing terms; and finally put forward a visual, persuasive corroboration.
    The keyword expert and their working team must monitor and capture the target phrases through the assistance of data technology in order to keep up with continuous changes in the data. Furthermore, they must communicate and coordinate with each other in order to construct sufficient evidence to convince the customers. This task is practiced day in and day out, and thus the ability and knowledge needed for the industry are formed.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104941005
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    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.EMA.002.2018.F05
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