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Title: | 《晚餐》碩士作品創作論述 The Perfect Family |
Authors: | 蘇姿潔 Su, Tzu-Chieh |
Contributors: | 陳儒修 蘇姿潔 Su,Tzu-Chieh |
Keywords: | 晚餐 心理驚悚 社會議題 劇本 敘事 Perfect family Psychologic thriller Social issue Screenplay Narrative |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-08-27 14:34:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文為近90分鐘電影長片劇本作品創作論述,《晚餐》,英文片名《The Perfect Family》,為心理驚悚懸疑類型劇情片。故事由一個看似幸福且人人稱羨的家庭開始,然而家庭成員卻各自有著不可告人的祕密。現實與回憶穿插,真相終將一一浮出檯面。藉由各角色在自我及追求完美、世俗理想價值觀間的拉扯,以該家庭作為社會的縮影,探討整體社會選擇忽略、壓抑的黑暗面以及被斷章取義的真相。 敘事結構根據Syd Field的三幕劇理論為基礎,並進一步以McKee的「三幕四場景」以及Blake Snyder的劇本架構表作劇本分析解構。同時,以《晚餐》劇本提案企劃及完整對白劇本兩部分,邀請六位業界人及五位偏好驚悚類型電影觀眾評閱,以不同角度提供劇本劇情架構、人物設計和情節等建議。彙整相關意見後,提出回應並陳述創作理念,作為後續創作與拍攝的修正方向。 This is the creative analysis of a 90-minute feature screenplay, “The Perfect Family.” It belongs to the psychologic thriller genre. The story starts from a seemingly happy family, envied by other people. However, each family member has his/her own unspeakable secrets. By intercutting between reality and flashbacks, all truth will reveal themselves. This family is actually a microcosm of the society, in which everyone is struggling with self-identity and worldly ideal values, and the deadly pursuit of perfection. It aims to expose the dark side of society that we tend to ignore and repress, and the truth that has been distorted all the time. The narrative structure is based on screenplay theories proposed by Syd Field, Robert McKee, and Blake Snyder, among others. Screenplay proposal and complete dialogue script are included here. Six professional screenplay writers and five thriller loving audiences are invited to examine this screenplay. They give suggestions on narrative structure, characterization, and plot design from different angles. Their opinions are gathered and responded at the end for further improvement and future shooting suggestions. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 廣告學系 101452014 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101452014 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.AD.001.2018.F05 |
Appears in Collections: | [廣告學系] 學位論文
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