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Title: | 俄羅斯的亞太能源戰略─以俄中能源合作為探討 Russia’s Energy Strategy for Asia Pacific Region – The Case Study of Sino-Russian Energy Cooperation |
Authors: | 王姿懿 Wang, Tzu-Yi |
Contributors: | 魏百谷 Wei, Bai-Ku 王姿懿 Wang, Tzu-Yi |
Keywords: | 能源戰略 俄中能源合作 能源安全 俄中關係 Energy strategy Sino-Russian energy cooperation Energy security Russia-China relations |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-08-13 12:37:02 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在俄羅斯的亞太能源戰略框架之下,其構想與規劃係著重與亞太地區國家發展能源合作,冀求促進俄羅斯國家整體經濟與區域平衡發展。俄國與中國無論是鄰近的地緣位置,亦或是能源需求與戰略的互補特性,均呈現雙邊能源合作之優勢,恰有助於實踐俄羅斯能源出口多元化之政策,強化國家能源出口安全,奠定俄羅斯開展俄中能源合作的可能性。歷經長期相互的磨合與磋商,俄中逐步朝向深化雙邊能源合作的願景前進,竭力達成互利共贏的俄中能源合作。
本研究將俄中能源合作之案例,視為俄羅斯落實亞太能源戰略之重要舉措,以兩國的能源合作進程為基礎,探討俄羅斯選擇中國開展能源合作之意涵與影響。鑒於兩國的能源戰略合作關係及深化的能源合作範疇,分析俄中能源合作如何助俄解決內存的能源困境與挑戰,強化俄羅斯能源安全問題,並試圖從限制俄中能源發展的國內因素,以及外部因素之要點,研討俄中與日本、中亞、印度、美國等周邊國家存在的利益衝突,剖析制約俄中能源合作的潛在挑戰與影響。儘管兩國之間存在諸多阻礙的因素,俄羅斯仍竭力取得俄中能源合作共識,減少影響俄中合作的制約因素,發展互惠共贏的俄中能源合作,冀求落實俄羅斯的亞太能源戰略,維繫國家政治與經濟利益,鞏固俄羅斯國際大國的地位。 Under the framework of Russia’s energy strategy for Asia-Pacific Region, its energy strategic strategy puts the importance in developing an energy cooperation program with Asia-Pacific countries and expects the buildup of Russia`s economic and regional balance. With Russia and China’s convenient neighboring geographic proximity and the needed trade of in energy, a serendipity of partnership for the demand and supply of energy came into play and provided the advantage of conducting efficient bilateral energy partnership. Being favorable for practicing Russia`s energy policy of export diversification, strengthening its national energy security, and furthermore the possibility of launching Sino-Russian energy cooperation by Russia. After long proceedings of mutual consultation and negotiations, Russia and China have moved toward deepening bilateral energy cooperation and strived to achieve mutual benefits and win-win scenario outcomes for Sino-Russian energy cooperation.
This study regards the case of Russia-China energy coalition as an important step for applying Russia’s energy strategy toward Asia-Pacific region. This paper outlines the implications and impact of Russia`s decision to launch an energy partnership with China hinged on the progress of bilateral energy collaboration. Analysis on how Sino-Russian energy coordination avail against solving Russia’s internal energy dilemma and challenges, intensifies its energy security in accordance with Sino-Russian strategic energy relation and energy cooperation scope. From the internal factors that may hinder the development of Sino-Russian energy partnership, as well as external factors; discussing on conflicts of interest between Sino-Russian cooperation with neighboring countries such as Japan, Central Asia, India, the United States. With also an examination of the potential challenges and influences that would constrain energy cooperation between Russia and China. Despite the negative existing factors between Russia and China, Russia still strives for hard in achieving a Sino-Russian energy coalition. To counter the negative factors and reduce constraints in developing Sino-Russian energy partnership, a win-win scenario would be the ideal option to allow Russia`s energy strategy for Asia pacific region to be efficiently maintained, by doing so national interests in politics and economy would be strengthen and Russia`s image of great power can be maintained on the world stage. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 俄羅斯研究所 103263001 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103263001 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.RUSSIA.002.2018.A06 |
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