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    Title: 電離層高階項誤差對GPS相對定位精度之影響
    The higher order ionospheric delays effect on the accuracy of GPS relative positioning
    Authors: 嚴翊豪
    Yan, Yi-Hao
    Contributors: 林老生
    Lin, Lao-Sheng
    Yan, Yi-Hao
    Keywords: 太陽黑子
    Sun spot
    Global positioning system (GPS)
    Relative positioning
    Double difference
    Higher-order Ionospheric Delay
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-13 12:36:41 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 電離層高階項誤差是全球定位系統(GPS)的主要誤差來源之一。電離層高階項誤差包括一階 (I_1)、二階(I_2)和三階項(I_3)等,其中二階和三階項被歸納為電離層高階項誤差(I_H)。透過雙頻無電離層線性組合消除電離層一階項誤差後,所剩餘之電離層誤差即為電離層高階項誤差。對於更高精度的GPS定位應用,例如國家坐標系維護和變形監測,應考慮第二、三階等高階項誤差之改正。
    本文研究電離層高階項誤差對GPS相對定位精度之影響,探討議題包含:(1)研究由GPS載波相位觀測值中的電離層高階項誤差所組成的二次差分電離層高階項誤差(∆∇I_H),並分別討論∆∇I_H與基線在不同緯度、不同長度、不同方向、不同季節和不同太陽活動之間的關係;(2)分別對改正I_H前與改正I_H後進行基線向量的解算,並研究電離層高階項誤差對基線向量的影響;(3)以相對定位解算出的坐標為基礎,探討改正I_H對點位精度提升之影響。使用2009年到2015年台灣地區5個衛星追蹤站以及亞洲地區6個衛星追蹤站的GPS資料做測試,然後以RINEX_HO軟體計算雙頻GPS觀測量中的電離層高階項誤差,最後利用Bernese 5.2軟體分別對改正I_H前與改正後I_H之GPS觀測檔案進行基線向量解算。
    根據實驗結果發現:(1) ∆∇I_H會隨著基線在不同緯度、不同長度、不同方向、不同季節和不同太陽活動而有不同的特性,∆∇I_H可以達到16.3mm;(2) I_H對於不同季節、不同太陽活動之基線向量仍有影響,且 ∇∆I_H具有正負數特性,經長時間觀測可以相互抵消,但在短時間觀測的情況下, ∇∆I_H消除的能力較不穩定,在2014年太陽活動較活躍的時期I_H對相對定位的影響可達6.94mm;(3)改正電離層高階項誤差後,各方向(△N、△E、△U)的精度提升比例大約介於20%~80%之間,且大多可以提升50%以上,此外△E提升比例最佳,其次是△N、△U。
    Ionospheric delays are one of the main error sources of the Global Positioning System (GPS). The ionospheric delays include first-order, second-order and third-order items. Those second-order and third-order items are denoted as higher-order ionospheric delays. Supposed that L1 and L2 bands GPS data are available, the first-order item can be eliminated through ionosphere-free linear combination. However, the higher-order ionospheric delays are left. For higher precision GPS applications, such as national coordinate frame maintenance and deformation monitoring, the higher-order ionospheric delays should be taken into account.
    In order to study the higher-order ionospheric delays on the GPS relative positioning, the main goals of this work include: (1) studying the relationship among the double differences of higher-order ionospheric delays of carrier phases of each baseline, and the baseline length, baseline orientation, geomagnetic latitude, season and solar activity level, etc., (2) studying the effects of the higher-order ionospheric delays on baseline vectors, both with and without considering the higher-oder ionospheric delay correction. (3) On the basis of the coordinates of the GPS relative positioning solution, studying the effects of the higher-order ionospheric delays on the accuracy of the point position.
    The GPS data from five satellite tracking stations in the region of Taiwan and six satellite tracking stations in the region of Asia covering the years 2009 to 2015 will be used as test data. The software RINEX_HO is used to compute and correct the higher-order ionospheric delays on the GPS L1/L2 data, and the software Bernese 5.2 is used to process the GPS relative positioning.
    According to the experiment results: (1) There are several characteristics among the double differences of higher-order ionospheric delays of each baseline, and the baseline length, baseline orientation, geomagnetic latitude, season and solar activity level. ∆∇I_H can reach 16.3mm. (2) The higher-order ionospheric delays still be influenced by season and solar activity. The higher-order ionospheric delays have positive and negative characteristics, as observation time increase, the higher-order ionospheric delays will be offset. In contrast, as observation time decrease, the ability of offset will be unstable. The effect of I_H can reach 6.94mm. (3) After correcting the higher-order ionospheric delays, the improvement ratio of each direction is about 20%~80%, and the best improvement ratio is east-west direction, which is better than that of north-south direction and up-down direction.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105257031
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.LE.014.2018.A05
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