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    Title: 口袋裡的秘密:使用交友軟體Wootalk的汙名管理策略
    Secrets in the Pocket: Managing the stigma of using Wootalk
    Authors: 許佳琦
    Hsu, Chia-Chi
    Contributors: 康庭瑜
    Kang, Ting-Yu
    Hsu, Chia-Chi
    Keywords: 汙名管理
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-10 11:17:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著交友軟體逐漸普及,於主流輿論再現中,交友軟體卻時常與約炮、劈腿、騙色等「負面」的性實踐連結,使得交友軟體使用者時常必須隱藏自己使用的事實。本研究從Rubin的性階層與Goffman的汙名管理出發,探討台灣交友軟體Wootalk的使用者們認知到哪些汙名,又採取哪些策略來管理。研究發現,受訪者們認為使用交友軟體的汙名,通常和「陌生人發生性行為」、「感情不忠」等「壞」的性實踐有關。另外,女性受訪者更常感受到周圍知情者給予的蕩婦羞辱處罰,顯示交友軟體的汙名建構過程不只是性化的、也是性別化的。研究並整理出三種主要的汙名管理方式:包括論述管理、介面管理與空間管理。受訪者們在不同的日常生活情境中選擇不同的汙名管理方式,作為「裝正常」與「蒙混通關」的策略,以維持自己在交友軟體內與外的雙重生活。
    Nowadays, it’s common to use dating applications. However, in the media representation, dating apps are frequently associated with “bad sex” such as hook-up, two-timing and cheating. As a result, many dating app users tend to obscure the fact that they are using it. Drawing on Gayle Rubin’s sexual hierarchy theory and Goffman’s stigma management theory, this study illustrates how using dating apps is stigmatized and how the users manage them. The study demonstrates that the stigma of using dating apps are often associated with casual sex and two-timing. Also, female users experience slut-shaming from their friends and family more often than their male counterparts. The study also identifies three main stigma managing strategies, including discourse management, interface management, and space management. The dating app users choose different strategies in different social situations.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1044640412
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.COMM.019.2018.F05
    Appears in Collections:[Master`s Program in Communication] Theses

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