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Title: | 網路交友平台國際化個案研究 A Case Study on the Internationalization of the Dating Platform Business |
Authors: | 林藝欣 Lin, Yi-Shin |
Contributors: | 邱奕嘉 Chiu, Yi-Chia 林藝欣 Lin, Yi-Shin |
Keywords: | 交友平台 國際化策 平台國際化 Dating platform Online dating International strategy Platform internationalization |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-08-10 11:11:58 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近幾年平台商業模式崛起,加上智慧型手機的普及帶動了行動平台、手機 APP 產業的蓬勃發展。各國網路交友平台業者紛紛採取國際化,複製其在國內市 場的經驗,進軍海外市場。國內許多網路交友平台成立至今多時,其採取國際化 甚至成功的案例卻不多,故本研究以研究尚凡集團/思維特公司之成功推行 SweetRing 交友平台國際化之案例,先試圖瞭解網路平台企業國際化動機,及探 索企業具備哪些資源有利於國際市場之推廣並保有競爭優勢。 本研究採取個案研究法,透過個案公司經營團隊訪談與網路、官方及報章雜 誌取得初級與次級資料,並以企業國際化相關理論為基礎加入平台觀點進行研究 分析。將尚凡創立(2002)至今之企業與產品策略發展分為三階段進行比較,第一 階段為網路交友網站愛情公寓(2003~)、第二階段為手機 APP 型態之 iPair(2013)及 第三階段(2015~)以國際市場發展為策略的婚戀交友平台 SweetRing。 經由研究分析發現以網路交友平台產業為例,企業推行國際化之動機主要為 競爭者動態、科技轉變及平台企業追求網路外部性來達到經濟效果之因素,以及 企業為增加收入而採取企業擴張行動。以利企業國際化競爭與推廣之資源包含企 業內部人才之國際化知識程度、充足的資金來源等,人脈資源有利幫助企業於進 入障礙較高或經營環境差異較大之市場推廣與經營。 The rise of the platform business model in recent years, coupled with the popularity of smart phones has led to the vigorous development of the mobile platform and mobile application industry including the online dating business. Many online dating platform operators in various countries have adopted their successful experience to develop international strategy. Many Taiwanese online dating platforms have been running for couple of years, yet not many has been successful in internationalization. This study is devoted to understand the motivation of platform internationalization, and to explore the resources that enable the internationalization of business by studing the case of SweetRing dating platform operated by SunFun Corporation. This study developed the framework by comparison three stages of product/enterprise development based on related theory: Stage 1 with dating website: iPart (2003~) that mainly serves Taiwanese market, Stage2 with mobile APP: iPair (2013~) that start initiating internationalization strategy and stage 3 with SweetRing (2015~) that focusing on global market. Comparisons are designed based on the business internationalization relating theories. The primary and secondary information are collected by interviewing and online resources. It is found that the competitors` actions, technological changes, company’s pursuing the network effect of platform to achieve economic scale benefit and the purpose of increasing potential profit, are driving factors that motivate dating platform business to initiate globe strategy. In addition, important resources such as international knowledges of team members, sufficient financial supports and social network help companies to promote and operate in global markets. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 105363015 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105363015 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.057.2018.F08 |
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