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    题名: 國際新創事業電子商務平台的國際化策略 -Pinkoi個案研究
    Globalisation in the International New Venturee E-business platform – A Case study of Pinkoi
    作者: 陳亭君
    Chen, Ting-Chun
    贡献者: 黃國峯

    Huang, Kuo-Feng
    Lin, Ku-Ho

    Chen, Ting-Chun
    关键词: 國際新創事業
    International new ventures
    Platform strategy
    日期: 2018
    上传时间: 2018-08-10 11:11:56 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 台灣本身內需市場不大,受限於國內市場成長空間有限,對台灣企業而言,邁向國際化成為重要的策略選擇之一。近年來,隨著網際網絡的技術快速發展,國際新創事業的企業型態崛起。國際新創事業不同於傳統的跨國型企業透過逐步累積資源、經驗後才漸近式地拓展至國際市場。相反地,國際新創事業在資源相對缺乏的情況下,成立的初期即以國際市場為目標。

    本研究採用Pinkoi 國際新創電子商務平台作為研究個案,運用平台策略的相關理論為基礎,並以國際化理論作為分析架構,探討個案公司所建立的平台策略、進軍國際市場的挑戰與策略。

    (1) 國際新創國際化過程中有什麼挑戰及策略?
    (2) 台灣國際新創事業如何發展平台的策略?

    With the small domestic market, Taiwanese companies’ growth is limited by the shortage of domestic demand. For Taiwanese companies, internationalization has become a crucial strategic choice. In recent years, as the rapid development of the internet technology, the acceleration internationalization of “ International New Venture” has drawn substantial research attention. International New Ventures do not experience through stages stepwise like conventional global firms do. On the contrary, International New Ventures target the global markets directly and born globally.
    Based on the concept of platform strategy and the internationalization model, this study investigates the challenge and the strategies of the Taiwanese International New Ventures e-business platform, Pinkoi.
    The research questions of this study are as follows:
    (1) The internationalization challenges for International New Ventures e-business.
    (2) The platform strategies for Taiwanese International New Ventures e-business.
    (3) The suggestions for Taiwanese International New Ventures’ globalization
    Research findings suggest that in order to advance internationalization in the early growth phases, the International New Ventures e-business requires positive on-line and off-line network effect, data-oriented marketing strategies, and international talent.
    參考文獻: 英文部分
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104363031
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.058.2018.F08
    显示于类别:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文




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